
Protesters, colleges are about to find out that, yes, the law DOES apply to them, too

The campus protests may be winding down, but don’t worry �� now the really expensive and destructive phase begins: the litigation.

Shed a tear for America's rapidly vanishing freedoms

“Is the best of the free life behind us now?” Merle Haggard asked in a haunting 1982 country music hit song.

Appeals court weakens Voting Rights Act, sets up likely SCOTUS showdown

A federal appeals panel nixed a core mechanism for enforcing the Voting Rights Act, setting the stage for a likely appeal to the Supreme Court.

CUNY professors' free-speech case could be next blow to Big Labor

In the Goldstein v. Professional Staff Congress (PSC) case, six City University of New York professors seek to invalidate a New York state law that forces the “representation” of the...

New York City’s got it all wrong with its ‘right to shelter’

Mayor Adams must move in state court to end the consent decree. To win, he would have to argue — albeit decades belatedly — that the city, in signing the...

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak comments on transgender debate, saying no women have penises

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has declared that women do not have penises amid an ongoing debate over transgender issues.

Even the Times sees the madness of keeping parents in the dark as kids transition

"What if their children had been unduly influenced by their classmates to ask for hormone treatments and surgery?"

Fact vs. fiction: What does Supreme Court abortion ruling mean?

The Supreme Court's decision Friday to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision ended nearly 50 years of federal abortion rights across the US -- and validated expectations sparked by...

FBI may have violated alleged subway shooter Frank James' rights with DNA swab, lawyers say

Lawyers for accused subway gunman Frank James’ claimed the FBI may have violated his rights by taking DNA swabs from him in his Brooklyn jail cell.

Google investors warn Saudi Arabia data project could be used by 'top hitmen'

Google investors are poised to raise hackles over a controversial Saudi Arabia project at the search giant’s shareholder meeting, warning that the company risks serving up “sensitive data on a...

'Little Pink House': When the government grabs your home

One of the nation’s most important battles over private-property rights is finally coming to the big screen. Opening on April 20 for a limited engagement in New York City, the...

Sky pays $5B for bulk of Premier League rights

Sky Sports has agreed to pay 3.6 billion pounds ($5 billion) for a three-year deal to show 128 English Premier League soccer matches a season from 2019/20, less than it...

DeVos is totally right to roll back insane 'anti-rape' rules

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos last week floated completely sensible reforms to Obama-era Title IX policies on how colleges should handle sexual-assault charges. The left’s response? Immediate and predictable: “Stop Betsy”...

A win for gays --- but possibly a loss for kids

In a landmark ruling, New York’s highest court last week overturned its own 25-year-old precedent on parental rights. It’s being hailed as a win for gays, but we’re not sure...

The left sees some rights as more equal than others

I have an idea. The federal government needs to compile a list of women who shouldn’t be allowed to get abortions. The criteria must be flexible. If officials at, say,...

Even drunk drivers have constitutional rights

Can you be charged with a crime for refusing to take a Breathalyzer test when stopped on suspicion of drunken driving? It’s hard to think of a constitutional-rights question that...

The Saudis' pathetic 'step forward' for women

At the federal courthouse in Brooklyn a few days ago, Judge John Gleeson swore me in as an American citizen. Moments before, an official handed me a Voter Registration form....

'Women's studies' is betraying women under Sharia law

Last week, the National Women’s Studies Association membership voted to boycott Israel. The resolution reads, in part: “As feminist scholars, activists, teachers, and public intellectuals . . . we cannot overlook injustice...

Why pigs have started to fly --- the 'emotional support' scam

A woman with a crying baby in her arms bearing down on the luxuriously empty seat next to you used to be every airline passenger’s worst nightmare. That was before...