rick santorum

Rick Santorum speaks on 'disappointing' CNN firing: 'I have no animus'

The former Republican senator defended his remarks about Native Americans during an appearance on Fox News.

CNN drops Rick Santorum over 'racist' comments

A CNN executive told The Huffington Post the news that it had cut ties with the former Senator. The ending of the relationship comes after he made "inaccurate" statements about...

CNN slammed for Rick Santorum's 'racist' remarks

Rick Santorum told the conservative Young America’s Foundation that “there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.”

Trump blasted for taking Kim Jong Un 'at his word' on Otto Warmbier

Critics from all along the political spectrum slammed President Trump on Thursday for taking North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un “at his word” when Kim claimed he didn't know about...

'I did misspeak': Santorum backpedals on CPR comment

https://youtu.be/MbBtTifQy4Q?t=5m25s Ex-senator-turned-cable news talking head Rick Santorum on Wednesday walked back his much-mocked statement that young people who marched for stricter gun control would have been better off learning CPR....

Santorum: Kids should learn CPR instead of protesting

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum said Sunday that students would be better off “taking CPR classes” than marching for “phony gun laws." “How about kids, instead of looking to someone...

Rick Santorum ends presidential bid, endorses Marco Rubio

WASHINGTON -- Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum ended his bid for the White House Wednesday and said he will support Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's campaign for the Republican presidential nomination....

Lindsey Graham apologizes to Muslims for Donald Trump

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZd4QtwDTew WASHINGTON --- Sen. Lindsey Graham apologized to the Muslim world for Donald Trump at Tuesday night’s GOP presidential undercard debate and insisted the billionaire doesn’t reflect America’s attitude toward...

Lindsey Graham steals the show at GOP undercard

Homespun South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham stole the show at the debate for low-polling GOP presidential candidates with tough talk about national security, even while straying from party orthodoxy. “The...

Trump-bashing Fiorina impresses in 'Happy Hour' debate

Donald Trump — dubbed “the elephant not in the room” by a moderator — drew some of the harshest attacks during the undercard debate featuring seven GOP candidates who did...

Bernie Sanders' rape-fantasy essay reveals left-wing hypocrisy

Consider this twisted scenario: A national publication unearths an essay written decades ago by a conservative Republican candidate for the White House in which the man describes, in deviant detail,...

Rick Santorum launches presidential campaign

CABOT, Pa. — Conservative culture warrior Rick Santorum launched a 2016 White House bid on Wednesday, vowing to fight for working-class Americans in a new election season that will test...