richard nixon

How Richard Nixon covertly helped Ronald Reagan pass tax cuts: New book

Ken Khachigian's "Behind Closed Doors: In the Room with Reagan & Nixon" is out July 23.

Insider reveals the secrets of the Situation Room — where high drama and low farce collide

In a fascinating new book, George Stephanopoulos focuses on the White House crisis center.

The Watergate tapes at 50 are more enigmatic than ever

On April 29, 1974, President Richard Nixon delivered a primetime televised address that marked a decisive moment in Watergate — and, in ways no one could appreciate at the time,...

The media mob's free pass for the Bidens at any sign of scrutiny is no accident – they're all in on it

Probers found more than $20 million went to the family when Joe was vice president, to which the media handmaidens yawned.

Why the Space Shuttle was the wrong craft at the wrong time

A new book details how design challenges, budget constraints and political considerations set the Space Shuttle up for disaster.

Team Obama is disgraceful for bashing the great Henry Kissinger after the admin's epic failures in foreign policy

Ben Rhodes compounds the insults with his silly insistence the Obama administration, in which he served, pursued far more ethical policies than Kissinger and was thus more faithful to American...

The left disgustingly dances on Kissinger's grave because it hates America

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, 100, died on Wednesday.

The Kissinger Effect: How he and Nixon shaped a century and beyond

President Richard Nixon and his eventual Secretary of State Henry Kissinger dominated the last half of the 20th century in ways that will echo far into the 21st.

I'm running for president — you could do worse (and probably will)

What I solemnly pledge is that on my very first day in office I will reveal all my previously secret plans to solve the nation’s problems. On the second day...

Shutdown-ready Republicans shouldn't buy into Vivek Ramaswamy's insane Ukraine plan

Republicans in Congress would do well to reject Ramaswamy’s plan. Better the United States continue its support for Ukraine than throw its weight behind a proposal that would highlight China’s...

The three most narcissistic zodiac signs, according to an astrologer

While narcissism crops up all around the zodiac wheel, there are some signs more than others that are predisposed to putting themselves first and ever atop a gilded, inflatable pyramid...

Declassified Nixon letter to then-Prez Clinton includes prophetic warning about Russia

Nixon told Clinton the survival of political and economic freedom was "the most important foreign policy issue the nation will face for the balance of this century."

The three zodiac signs that are big liars, according to an astrologer

While all people, and therefore all the zodiac signs are capable and culpable when it comes to blatant untruths, white lies, abject dishonesty, intricate webs of fiction and fabricated yarns.

As Henry Kissinger turns 100, few can rival the genius of geopolitics

Heinz Alfred Kissinger made headlines with his reflections on the shifting geopolitical realities of Central Europe.

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger turns 100

Kissinger will celebrate his centenary this week with visits to New York, London and his hometown of Fürth, Germany, his son, David wrote Thursday in the Washington Post.

Vietnam POWs to be honored 50 years after Nixon celebrated them with historic banquet

Dozens of former Vietnam POWs will reunite for a dinner recreating a White House banquet held 50 years ago by Richard Nixon to mark their freedom and heroism.

Is Biden, like past presidents, unleashing the IRS on his enemies?

Journalist Matt Taibbi testified March 9 before a congressional committee on the vast federally funded “censorship-industrial complex” the Twitter Files exposed.

Ed Cox to return as New York Republican Party chairman: sources

The state Republican Committee will elect Cox -- who previously served as chairman from 2009 to 2019 -- at a committee meeting in Albany on Monday.

Black educator Marcus Foster has much to teach us today about schools

As we celebrate Black History Month, we should acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the birth and 50th anniversary of the assassination of Marcus Foster.

'Twitter Files' compares Maine Sen. Angus King to Nixon if he 'sniffed glue'

Journalist Matt Taibbi revealed Maine Sen. Angus King campaign director spoke to a Twitter exec in 2018 to complain about the activities of hundreds of users.