rhodes scholarship

Hunter College shows how to provide excellence and opportunity

Helping to make the American Dream become a reality for tens of thousands of young New Yorkers has been a pleasure and privilege beyond measure.

How college applicants embellish essays with sob stories, fake patents

The story of University of Pennsylvania student Mackenzie Fierceton, who lost a prestigious Rhodes scholarship for allegedly faking details about her background in her application, went viral this week. But...

'Rhodes Scholar' claimed she grew up poor and abused — then her story started to unravel

Mackenzie Fierceton, who was awarded a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford in 2020, has given up that honor — and seen her University of Pennsylvania master's degree put on hold — with investigations...

Rhodes scholar reveals how autism makes his brain work differently

One day in college, Jory Fleming was walking across campus with his service dog, Daisy, when a stranger approached and declared that he was being cruel to the animal.

Racist Rhodes jackass boasts about making white waitress cry

A controversial Oxford University Rhodes scholar is in hot water after cheerfully recounting how he and his chums made a waitress cry "typical white tears,"  the website Heat Street reports....

Rhodes scholars include 2 NY college students

Two New York residents are among the 32 American students who have won prestigious Rhodes scholarships to study for several years at Oxford University in England. Paolo P. Singer, 22,...