Rex Tillerson

Trump considered Kushner for secretary of state

President Trump thought son-in-law Jared Kushner was doing such a bang-up job as a senior adviser that he contemplated naming him secretary of state, the book “Fire and Fury” claims....

Tillerson defends US foreign policy record

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson defended the US foreign policy record in 2017 – touting progress to rein in a bellicose North Korea, battling ISIS and countering “immense challenges” posed...

Tillerson walks back offer of unconditional talks with North Korea

WASHINGTON — America's top diplomat stepped back Friday from his offer of unconditional talks with North Korea, telling world powers the nuclear-armed nation must earn the right to negotiate with...

Tillerson: US open to North Korea talks if they pause weapons tests

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday appeared to soften the US stance on talks with North Korea amid high tension over its nuclear and missile programs. Tillerson said that...

Tillerson vows to keep sanctions on Russia over Ukraine violence

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson blasted Russia on Thursday for inciting violence in Ukraine by backing rebels and vowed that the US will keep sanctions in place until Moscow withdraws...

Trump on Tillerson: We're cool

President Trump on Friday shot down reports that he was about to fire Secretary of State Rex Tillerson — and slammed media reports about Tillerson’s supposedly imminent demise as “FAKE...

Tillerson dismisses reports of plan to oust him as 'laughable'

Rex Tillerson isn't going quietly. The secretary of state on Friday called reports that the White House is planning to oust him "laughable." Multiple reports on Thursday said the White...

Mass exodus likely at White House after Trump's first year

WASHINGTON — US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s expected exit from the Trump administration is one of many staff changes likely as President Donald Trump nears the end of his...

Tillerson's exit can only begin to fix US foreign policy

If the rumor proves true that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is about to lose his job, he’ll doubtless regret leaving far less than accepting the post in the first...

There's a plot in the White House to sack Rex Tillerson

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will be forced out and replaced by CIA Director Mike Pompeo under a plan devised by the Trump administration, according to a report Thursday. White...

State Dept. officials accuse Tillerson of breaking federal law

A group of State Department officials accused Secretary of State Tex Tillerson of violating a federal law intended to keep foreign governments from using child soldiers, Reuters reported on Tuesday....

Trump follows Obama’s lead and gives Iran just what it wants

President Trump’s decision to reevaluate the nuclear deal was a step forward for the West’s efforts to contain Iran, but the White House took two steps back with its new...

Here's Team Trump's hope for a peaceful North Korean solution

In South Korea, President Trump abruptly shifted position on negotiations with North Korea, saying he wanted to ��make a deal” with the Kim Jong-un regime. If he means it, there...

Trump-Putin meeting thrown in doubt

President Trump and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, are expected to meet on the sidelines of a summit meeting in Vietnam on Friday, but US officials are still questioning whether...

Trump: 'We'll see' if Tillerson makes it through his term

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who will accompany President Trump on his trip to Asia, didn’t exactly get a ringing endorsement from the commander-in-chief — who said “We’ll see” whether...

State Dept. denies extradition of American charged with murder in Tonga

HONOLULU — An American charged with murder in Tonga in connection with his wife's death has been released from prison in Hawaii after the U.S. State Department refused to extradite...

US pursuing direct talks with North Korea despite Trump rejection

The United States is quietly reaching out through diplomatic channels to North Korea despite President Trump's admonition to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson that such talks are a waste of...

Tillerson wants to 'curl up in a ball' some days

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson might be in need of a hug. Tillerson stopped to admire a statue Thursday during a visit to Geneva when he was overheard saying: “Some...

Tillerson: Afghanistan has room for some Taliban in government

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Monday said there's room for moderate members of the Taliban in Afghanistan's government if they reject violence and terrorism and commit to stability. ”Clearly,...

Tillerson pushes Saudi Arabia on united front to counter Iran

​Iranian-backed militias and other foreign fighters should pack up and "go home" now that Islamic State ​terrorists have been beaten back in Iraq, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on...