Rex Tillerson

'Disgruntled employees': Sarah Sanders brushes off Trump detractors

Former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders dismissed a recent string of scathing accounts from ex-administration officials lambasting President Trump, calling them "disgruntled employees."

Rex Tillerson denies Nikki Haley's claim he tried to undermine Trump's policies

Ex-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Monday denied that he tried to undermine President Trump, as former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley charged in a new book. “During my service to...

Kelly's and Tillerson's 'Resistance' in the White House

President Trump’s determination to break with past policies has prompted outrageous “resistance” not only from Democrats but even by some in his own administration. Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley offers...

Trump tweets endorsement of Nikki Haley's upcoming book

President Trump tweeted an endorsement on Sunday of an upcoming book by former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley that documents alleged efforts by former White House officials to undermine him....

Rex Tillerson denies Exxon Mobil hid financial costs of climate change

Former Secretary of State and one-time Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson took the witness stand Wednesday to deny claims that he and the oil company hid the financial costs of climate...

Rex Tillerson arrives at Manhattan Supreme Court for Exxon testimony

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrived at Manhattan Supreme Court on Wednesday morning for his expected testimony at a trial that the New York Attorney General’s Office brought against...

Tillerson: Kushner talked to world leaders without telling State Department

Ex-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told lawmakers that President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, often communicated with world leaders without keeping the State Department in the loop — leaving America’s top...

Trump fires back after Tillerson claims he was unprepared for Putin meeting

President Trump on Thursday slammed Rex Tillerson as “dumb as a rock” a day after the former secretary of state told lawmakers that Russian President Vladimir Putin was better prepared...

Trump hits back at Rex Tillerson, calling him 'dumb as a rock' and 'lazy as hell'

President Trump attacked ex-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Friday — tweeting that the former top US diplomat was “dumb as a rock” and “lazy as hell.” “Mike Pompeo is doing...

Tillerson blasts Trump, says he had to be talked out of taking illegal actions

Ex-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson teed off on President Trump Thursday night, saying the commander-in-chief didn’t like to read briefing papers and had to be talked out of taking actions...

Tina Fey Returns as Sarah Palin on ‘SNL’ For Star-Studded Trump Singalong

“One minute you’re on top, and then you’re gone in the blink of a Scaramucci,” joked the host of the season 43 finale.

White House shake-ups prove Trump's putting America first

Beleaguered politicians like to complain they are too hemmed in by circumstances and handlers. If only they could throw off the shackles and be themselves, they would surely succeed. President...

Tillerson tells staffers to avoid 'mean-spirited' behavior in exit speech

Rex Tillerson, who was fired as secretary of state in a tweet by President Trump, on Thursday told State Department staffers this can be a "very mean-spirited town" but encouraged...

Tillerson was reportedly on the toilet when he got canned

His career really went down the toilet. Outgoing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was reportedly sitting on the loo when the White House chief of staff called to deliver the...

Japan's foreign minister regrets ouster of 'trustworthy' Tillerson

TOKYO/SEOUL — Japan's foreign minister said Wednesday he personally regretted the departure of "frank, trustworthy" US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson ahead of a proposed summit between President Donald Trump...

De Blasio, Cuomo feud shaping up to be an all-time rivalry

You can watch a lot of politics over a lot of years and never see anything like the public clash between Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio. Governors and mayors...

Trump taps hawks to prep for Korea talks

By reshuffling his team on the eve of his most spectacular foreign policy gambit, President Trump looks to be signaling that North Korea won’t get any needless concessions simply for...

The real impact of Tillerson’s ouster and other comments

Security desk: The Real Impact of Tillerson’s Ouster For all its apparent abruptness, says Bloomberg’s Eli Lake, President Trump’s firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson “was a long time...

Tillerson says he'll ensure smooth transition after being fired

Outgoing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday said he'll remain on the job until March 31 to carry out a smooth transition in his first remarks since being fired...

Tillerson's spokesman sacked after disputing account of firing

The White House fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's spokesman on Tuesday after he disputed the timing of when Tillerson learned he had been ousted, according to a report. "Officials:...