
'Mao's America' author reveals how US is on the verge of becoming a Communist state like China

Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of the communist rule of ex-Chinese leader Mao Zedong, claimed that critical race theory is “the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.”

Actress reveals eerie ‘final post’ before vanishing

The actress shared an Instagram video of herself on a public street in the country’s capital, of Tehran, without her headscarf.

Putin's nuclear threat: More guff from the thug

Vladimir Putin’s order putting his nuclear forces on high alert is a Hail-Mary move of weakness — a confession the world isn’t reacting as he’d planned.

This is a revolution and other commentary

Neocon: This Is a Revolution Commentary’s Abe Greenwald declares: “The battle for the survival of the United States of America is upon us.” Leftist radicals “are demanding, and in some...

Bernie Sanders loses again and other commentary

Eye on the Left: Bernie Sanders Loses Again “Three months ago, Bernie Sanders lost his chance at the Democratic nomination” — and now, The New York Times’ Ross Douthat observes,...

'Words are violence' is the slogan of tyranny

We’re in the dawn of a high-tech, bloodless Cultural Revolution, one that relies on intimidation, public shaming and economic ruin to dictate what words and ideas are permissible in the...

Open letter to a protester and other commentary

Police officer: Open Letter to a Protester At The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore County Police Officer Seth Templeton writes what he’d tell an anti-cop activist if he sat down with one....

The Squad is blowing it and other commentary

Campus watch: Accused Students Deserve a Fair Hearing Decisions by the federal Sixth and Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals have sided with accused students and stressed the notion that all...

Why Venezuela’s struggle for freedom has Iran’s rulers worried

They’re intently watching Venezuela in Iran. The revolutionary regimes in Tehran and Caracas are birds of a feather. True, one is Islamist green, the other socialist red, but in some...

This little country's freedom fight should give us all hope

As a girl, my grandmother saw many members of her family killed when Turkey tried to destroy its population of Christian Armenians around the time of WWI. She emigrated to...

A 'Marxist' explanation for the Trump revolution

‘Red October” was the name for a great Cold War movie. It’s also the name for the Communist takeover of the Russian government on Oct. 26, 1917, when Bolshevik forces...

Venezuela: a nation devoured by socialism

Venezuela is a woeful reminder that no country is so rich that it can’t be driven into the ground by revolutionary socialism. People are now literally starving — about three-quarters...

Why Obama let Iran's democrats down, the bogus 'pickle-jar test,' and other notable commentary

Mideast desk: Why Bam Let Iran’s Green Revolution Fail Why was President Obama “slow to react” to the 2009 popular uprising when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad “won” Iran’s disputed national election? And...

The alliance that saved America in its infancy

Here in New York City, we are celebrating this Fourth of July with a commemoration of the alliance that secured America’s future. An exact replica of the ship Hermione, the...

NBC cancels 'Community' after 5 seasons

Farewell, “Community,” you had a good run. NBC on Friday canceled the Joel McHale cult comedy after five seasons, leaving it one season short of its goal of “six seasons...

Cunningham's 'Facade' exhibition at New-York Historical Society

Bill Cunningham is a familiar presence on the social and fashion pages of The New York Times, and the streets of New York City, riding a bicycle with a small...

What's left to look forward to on TV in January?

“Supernatural”(Tuesday, 9 p.m., The CW) Why bother with another State of the Union address, which airs at the same time, when you could enjoy the rare appearance by the always...

Has your favorite TV series gone mental?

If watching prime-time TV these days is making your head spin, you’re not alone. As networks strive to grab the attention of fickle audiences in the Twitter era, plots are...

Last season's faves having a tough time now

Call it TV’s version of the sophomore slump. Of the six series (four dramas, two comedies) that have returned for their second seasons thus far, only one, “Chicago Fire” (NBC),...

'Who' legend Daltrey 'won't be fooled' on Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON – The Who’s Roger Daltrey brought some revolution to the Capitol Wednesday during the installation of a bust of late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, singing his classic “Won’t...