rent stabilization

Rent-stabilized apartments in NYC to see rent hikes thanks to board vote

The Rent Guidelines Board has signed off on hikes of as much as 3.25% for new one-year leases for the Big Apple's rent-stabilized apartments.

Thursday's rent hikes aren't nearly enough to save NYC's landlords — or housing stock

The city’s Rent Stabilization Guidelines Board’s modest rent hikes for the Big Apple’s 965,000 rent-regulated units is not sufficient enough to help poor landlords.

Vote sets stage for biggest rent hike in a decade for NYC stabilized apartments

In a preliminary 5-4 vote, the board approved rent increases in the range of 2 to 4 percent for one-year leases and 4 to 6 percent for two-year leases.

Mayor Eric Adams doesn't rule out floated rent hike for stabilized NYC apartments

Mayor Eric Adams refused Thursday to rule out supporting a controversial recommendation that the Big Apple's rent regulator approve major hikes — as much as 9% over two years.

NYC's rent-stabilized apartments could see lease hikes by as much as 9 percent

Roughly one million apartments in the Big Apple have their rent increases set by the nine-member Rent Guidelines Board, all of whom are appointed by the mayor and must come...

Mayor Adams can finally fix the rent-hike process de Blasio politicized

Members of the New York City Rent Guidelines Board have the opportunity to hit the reset button under Mayor Eric Adams.

City Council's latest blow to tenants who want to rent their apartments on Airbnb

Hotel owners and unions wants to squash competition from the average Joes and Janes trying to drum up a bit of cash.

'A sick nightmare': NYC mom, kids remain homeless more than three years into eviction fight

Deborah Privitello has been forced out of her rent-stabilized duplex apartment for nearly four years during a lengthy court battle with Francis Greenburger.

Letters to the Editor — June 27, 2021

New York Post readers weigh in on school choice, victims in city shelters, meat hypocrisy and helping NYC landlords.

Blas screws landlords and NYC housing market one last time with another rent freeze

Mayor Bill de Blasio flipped off landlords one last time Wednesday when he had the Rent Guidelines Board freeze rents at regulated apartments for another six months and cap increases...

Rent-stabilized apartments in NYC to see rent hikes

The city’s Rent Guidelines Board approved rent hikes for NYC's nearly 1 million rent-stabilized apartments – but agreed to a six-month freeze to allow time for recovery from the pandemic.

Albany has to move fast to prevent a housing disaster

Pandemic lockdowns have left all too may New Yorkers unable to pay the rent — and deeply in debt to landlords who themselves are often in deep peril. Yet the...

The City Council's latest idea for screwing up housing

As if the record vacancies and ever-rising property taxes weren’t enough, the City Council is looking to add a pricey sprinkler mandate on all apartment buildings taller than 40 feet....

De Blasio signs bill requiring carbon refit for some rent-regulated buildings

The new law will require the owners of roughly 1,000 buildings with regulated apartments to comply with the Council’s mandate to cut their carbon emissions by 40 percent emissions reduction...

This is NYC’s best chance to end rent control and win a normal housing market

Rents are collapsing while vacancy rates soar citywide. This is clearly the time to finally free New York City from its unjust, destructive rent laws. That way, at least one...

NYC's rent-stabilized owners need tax relief

With property taxes due July 1, it should come as no shock to anyone that thousands of building owners will be unable to make their equivalent of rent payments on...

De Blasio calls on state to extend NYC eviction moratorium

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Friday called on the state to extend the Big Apple’s existing eviction moratorium to 60 days past the end of the coronavirus crisis. "The bottom line is tenants need more...

More bad news for NYC's housing market

Six months after progressive New York legislators rammed through radical new rent laws, sales of apartment buildings are plummeting. The total dollar value of building sales citywide fell 40 percent...

Commercial rent 'stabilization' bill terrifies real estate industry

The latest New York City Council proposal giving the real estate industry agita involves commercial rent “stabilization.” “It’s terrifying,” exclaimed one prominent owner, who asked for anonymity. “It is New...

New York's new rent law could wind up killing rent control

By passing drastically tougher rent laws this June, the Legislature may have accidentally doomed rent control altogether. At the least, it’s prompted a federal lawsuit that could raises major constitutional...