post scholars

Prized pupils: Meet the New York Post Scholars Class of 2024

We at The Post wanted to inspire a new generation of journalists to inform, entertain, to hold power to account and to stand up for New Yorkers in the future....

No Free Lunches: Many Bronx Science students are skipping midday meals for extra classes

The competition is so fierce this school year that 399 Bronx Science students—roughly 13 percent of the student body—chose to forgo their lunch period each day to take an extra...

The Beat Goes On: Tradition and change at St. Ann’s popular African dance program

Saint Ann’s School student Amritha Purohit takes a look at the African Dance program at her Brooklyn school.

Dress Rehearsal: How uniform codes prepare students for life beyond high school

Sunday night. The weekend is coming to a close. The imminent dread of Monday is on the horizon. Being the good student you are (or at least hope to be),...

‘Candy’land: THC shops lure students near schools on Staten Island

Cannabis products that look like candy pose a risk to students in Staten Island, according to CSI High School for International Studies student Chloe Wong.

A Tech Too Far? School district’s internet policies spark debate among students about restricting access

Whether it’s protecting students from dangerous websites, preventing access to sites students want, or impacting Wi-Fi connectivity, the school district’s internet policies play a significant role in the lives of...

With a Sense of Urgency: Holocaust course brings the past into the present

In a place like New York City, most students fortunately have no direct experience with the horrors of war.

Counter Culture: Students and local food workers are bound by more than business

Stuyvesant High School students Ankita Saha and Cathleen Xi describe the connection between the school and local eateries.

High Stakes for High Schoolers: Wanna bet teens need gambling education?

Every teen sports gambler has dreams of hitting it big one day on a parlay with more legs than a millipede, but they don’t take a step back to examine...

Shatter the Glass Ceiling: School program empowers young women in economics

As the saying goes, any girl could tell you about the latest trends in fashion, movies and makeup products. But could she tell you about the latest trends in the...

Unhappy Meals: The secret toxic ingredients in high school lunches

The toxins and pesticides found in the 30 million school meals served daily in the United States are much worse than finding half a worm in your apple.

Paw-sitive Change: A therapy dog brightens Staten Island Academy

In the midst of New York’s 2024 winter, Staten Island Academy students scuffle through campus snow, making their way from the auditorium to their 8 a.m. classes. However, one member...

Team Players: Brooklyn Tech ought to tackle access to extracurriculars

Brooklyn Tech is a school of champions. Our teams have filled the hallways with countless banners, medals and shelves overflowing with trophies.

Teen Delegates Confront Concerns: Model United Nations members ready themselves for national conference amidst controversy and conflict at the org

Growing up in a diverse place like New York City has afforded me opportunities to immerse myself in other cultures, hear different languages and see different faces on every street...

Guiding Light: Great Neck’s beloved social studies teacher Joseph Ko puts students first

Fresh out of college, 22-year-old Joseph Ko, now a social studies teacher at Great Neck South High School, stands at the crossroads at Grinnell College, IA.

Stage Set for Success: The Creative Arts Team Cat Youth Theater program creates an inclusive—and empowering—environment that is a smash

For the 29 years since it was founded, the Creative Arts Team’s Cat Youth Theater has changed the lives of countless teenage theater kids.

Raising Men: With the launch of emotional intelligence initiative ‘Character Strong’, all-boys high school reframes masculinity

This school year, the homeroom period at Chaminade High School has been extended by 25 minutes, to make way for a new program known as “Character Strong”. 

It Doesn’t Add: Up Girls need math, not 'Girl Math'

“I wear a cute outfit but don’t take any photos or my crush doesn’t see it, it’s as if I never even wore the outfit. It’s Girl Math.” 

Perfectly Matched: Queens high school badminton team wins their second championship title in three years

Eva Hannon student Townsend Harris High School reports on a badminton championship match between her school and Franklin. D Roosevelt High School.

Getting In: High schoolers consider college admissions after affirmative action ban

Due to the stress they witnessed among Jericho High School students applying to college, Willa Lefkowicz and Farrah Park were inspired to write about the role of affirmative action in...