
Gruesome discovery of severed lion's head in couple's backpack stuns cops

Police in South Africa made the gruesome find after being tipped off the pair were trying to find a witchdoctor to sell it for $23,473 for making black magic potions.

Cops hunting for suspects after 8 wolves killed with poison in Oregon

Five members of the Catherine Pack in Union County and three wolves from other packs were found dead between February and July, cops said in a press release on Thursday.

Africa sees elephant baby boom thanks to pandemic

In a one truly unexpected upswing to the pandemic lockdown, in Kenya, the lack of tourism and dearth of expensive safari trips led to — a lot — of sex...

Indonesia baby elephant dies after losing half of her trunk

The 1-year-old female was among the last of the island’s 700 wild Sumatran elephants.

Baby elephant loses half its trunk to Indonesia poacher trap

A baby elephant in Indonesia’s Sumatra island has had half of her trunk amputated after being caught in what authorities said Monday was a trap set by poachers.

Poacher trampled to death by elephant in South African national park

A suspected poacher is believed to have been trampled to death by an elephant after the man’s mangled body was found in South Africa’s Kruger National Park.

Elephants have evolved to be tuskless due to poaching: study

New findings suggest that, as a result of widespread poaching, elephants have evolved to not have tusks. 

Three endangered Sumatran tigers found dead in Indonesia

Three critically endangered Sumatran tigers, including two cubs, were found dead in a conservation area on Indonesia’s Sumatra island.

Elephants in India enjoy fruit feast ahead of own world day

The center observes a week of events surrounding World Elephant Day, which falls on Aug. 12.

Notorious poacher who killed dozens of tigers caught after 20-year hunt

A notorious poacher believed to have killed at least 70 endangered Bengal tigers was nabbed in Bangladesh after a two decade-long manhunt, according to reports.

Italian officials busted for illegal songbird feast

Fowl play! A group of Italian government officials are under investigation for feasting on a lunch of wild songbirds -- including some that were a rare species, a report said...

Kenyan man extradited to US for allegedly trafficking rhino horns and ivory

A Kenyan man has been extradited to the United States to face federal charges in New York for allegedly trafficking rhinoceros horns and elephant ivory over the course of several...

Suspected deer poachers accused of assaulting Florida wildlife officer

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officer -- who was not identified by Polk County officials -- was looking into the reports late Saturday at the private River Ranch...

Last known white giraffe fitted with GPS to protect it from poachers

The rare mammal has a new protector.

Killing of sacred white 'spirit moose' sparks outrage

"You could shoot another one," said a First Nations chief. "Just leave the white ones alone."

Pangolin patrol volunteers rescue endangered animals from poachers

JOHANNESBURG — The traumatized pangolins arrive at a Johannesburg wildlife clinic emaciated and badly injured. They are the lucky ones. Rescued from poachers, they will survive thanks to a dedicated...

An inside look at Zimbabwe's all-female, anti-poaching army

Illegal poaching of Africa's wildlife has skyrocketed during the coronavirus, but one radical, all-female team in Zimbabwe is fighting back. The Akashinga unit is the focus of a new short...

Kenyan all-female wildlife ranger team breaks down barriers

KAJIADO, Kenya — On the sweeping plains at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, a group of female wildlife rangers is making history by defying patriarchal norms that have been passed...

Coronavirus lockdowns increase poaching in Asia, Africa

NEW DELHI — A camera trap photo of an injured tigress and a forensic examination of its carcass revealed why the creature died: a poacher’s wire snare punctured its windpipe...

A rhino poacher in Africa reveals why — and how — he kills the animals

Poachers usually make just over $800 for delivering a rhino's horn.