philip banks

Inside Eric Adams' troubling inner circle

Mayor Eric Adams’ readiness to embrace people from every community and even make some his advisers is commendable — but there are limits.

NYPD's new boss needs to restore broken-windows policing and boost quality of life

Here is new NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban's first order of business: Restore broken-windows policing and focus like a laser on the quality-of-life offenses.

Cops know who the real NYPD commish is — and it wasn't Keechant Sewell

The NYPD’s experiment with figurehead leadership came to an abrupt, if entirely foreseeable, end Monday with the resignation of Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell.

FDNY's highest-ranking black woman, longtime rep preparing to be fired: sources

The FDNY’s highest-ranking black woman and a longtime spokesman are preparing to get the boot in just the latest turmoil to rock the department, sources told The Post.

Sliwa urges city probe of rival Adams' suspect hires, dealings with felons

Curtis Sliwa is calling on the Department of Investigation to probe the mayor's dealings with convicted felons and his hiring of cronies with checkered pasts or questionable qualifications.

Celebrate Father's Day with your favorite TV dads

With Father's Day on Sunday, check out The Post's favorite TV dads.

Gimmicks are not going to turn NYC around, Mayor Adams

Without the constant stimulation of crisis this week, all the mayor’s worst traits were on display. If he wants to be a successful mayor, he’d better stop using it as...

Eric Adams has only hobbled his war on crime by giving his his brother and Phil Banks top jobs

Mayor Eric Adams vowed to restore law and order, but tapping his own brother, Bernard Adams, as a deputy NYPD commissioner and controversial Phil Banks as deputy mayor for public...

Adams delays naming Banks deputy mayor over ties to NYPD scandal

Mayor-elect Eric Adams' transition team is delaying the appointment of former NYPD Chief Philip Banks III to be deputy mayor for public safety.

Leading candidate for NYPD top job lost out over chain-of-command concerns

Carmen Best, the leading candidate to be NYC's next top cop, was passed over after balking at the idea of not answering directly to incoming Mayor Eric Adams.

Ex-chief who abruptly retired amid police bribery scandal advising Eric Adams on the NYPD

Ex-police chief Philip Banks has recently met with various members of police brass to help prep for the change of city leadership, sources said.

Jurors say ex-NYPD cop James Grant should never have been charged

Two jurors who helped acquit ex-NYPD cop James Grant on bribery charges said Wednesday that he never should have been charged — and one said that other high-ranking police officials...

Ex-police honcho tied to NYPD scandal denies taking payoffs

A former top city police official whom the feds have identified as an unindicted co-conspirator in the NYPD bribery scandal spoke out for the first time Monday, denying that he...

De Blasio donor testifies that ex-NYPD chief asked for help to become commissioner

With Bill de Blasio putting together his administration in late 2013, a city police chief relied on a politically connected fixer known to lavish gifts on cops to do him...

De Blasio donor allegedly used NYPD connections to impress nurse: feds

A married de Blasio donor on trial for allegedly bribing cops used his powerful police connections to try to score dates, according to new court papers. Jeremy Reichberg, on trial...

NYPD bribery trial could be delayed yet again

The bribery trial of a de Blasio donor and allegedly crooked cop could be delayed yet again -- this time until 2019. A Manhattan federal judge Tuesday said he will...

De Blasio donor claims he bribed his way through City Hall, NYPD

Mayor Bill de Blasio donor Jona Rechnitz took the witness stand Tuesday to testify for the second time in 10 months to bribing his way through City Hall and the...

'Unindicted co-conspirators' named in NYPD corruption case

Ex-NYPD Chief of Department Philip Banks is among a slew of current and former ex-cops named by the feds as “unindicted co-conspirators” in a pending police corruption case. Prosecution court...

Ex-chief Philip Banks' despicable defense

"The best defense is a good offense”: That adage seems to explain former NYPD Chief of Department Philip Banks’ playing of the race card to deflect questions about his personal...

FBI listened in as lawyer chatted with shady de Blasio donor

The FBI was listening in as attorney Benjamin Brafman chatted with a cop-bribing Mayor de Blasio donor — later telling a judge it involved potential NYPD corruption, and citing the...