paul manafort

AOC takes Manafort's side, calls for his release from solitary at Rikers

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Wednesday came to the defense of Paul Manafort, arguing against holding President Trump's former campaign chairman in solitary confinement at Rikers Island jail. "Paul Manafort is...

Paul Manafort will reportedly be transferred to Rikers Island

President Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort will be moved from a federal lockup in Pennsylvania to Rikers Island later this week, a report said Monday. Manhattan District Attorney Cy...

Feds move to seize Paul Manafort's Trump Tower condo

The U.S. government is about to take a new piece of New York real estate – just a few floors below President Trump’s private home. The Department of Justice moved...

Chicago bank CEO bribed Manafort for a Trump cabinet post: feds

The CEO of the Federal Savings Bank of Chicago, who served as a Trump 2016 campaign economic adviser, abused his power to issue $16 million in loans exchange to then-Trump...

The key players of the Mueller report

Reince Priebus When Attorney General Jeff Sessions tried to resign on May 18, 2017, Trump convinced him not to, but held on to Sessions’ resignation letter — prompting then-White House...

Zero, zilch, nada: That's the bottom line on 'collusion'

Attorney General William Barr’s Sunday letter to Congress leaves no doubt: Three years of investigation, including two years under special counsel Robert Mueller, found no evidence of Team Trump “collusion”...

NY prosecutors shred the Constitution and other commentary

Law prof: Manafort’s NY Prosecutors Shred Constitution Manhattan DA Cy Vance and New York Attorney General Tish James are like Bialystock and Bloom of “The Producers,” suggests Jonathan Turley at...

There’s no reason for a Beto 2020 run and other commentary

From the left: Beto 2020 Has No Reason to Exist Beto O’Rourke “would seem to have much of what he needs” — political ­celebrity, a devoted base of fans and...

Manafort hit with new charges in NYC after sentencing on federal crimes

A Manhattan grand jury has indicted President Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort on charges of residential mortgage fraud and other state crimes, the Manhattan District Attorney's Office said Wednesday....

Paul Manafort gets an additional three-and-a-half years in prison

President Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort was sentenced to six years and one month in prison on Wednesday a week after he received a 47-month sentence from a federal...

Paul Manafort faces more prison time at upcoming sentencing

President Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort returns to court for the second time in a week on Wednesday and faces up to 10 years in prison on top of...

Four years was the right Manafort sentence and other commentary

Attorney: Four Years Is Right Sentence for Manafort There’s outrage aplenty over what many on the left are calling the “lenient” and “perverted” four-year prison sentence handed down Thursday on...

Trump feels 'very badly' for Paul Manafort after sentencing

President Trump said Friday morning he felt “very badly” for Paul Manafort, but that he has not discussed a pardon for his former campaign manager, who was sentenced to 47...

Paul Manafort faces up to 10 more years in prison next week

Paul Manafort, who faced as much as 24 years in prison for tax and bank fraud, won a light sentence of 47 months — but he may not be as...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasts Paul Manafort's 'little' jail sentence

Freshman New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed Paul Manafort's "little" jail sentence Thursday, saying that its proof the US justice system is broken. The Bronx-born congresswoman said that Manafort —...

Manafort begs judge to be 'compassionate' ahead of sentencing

Paul Manafort didn't apologize for his crimes during a brief statement Thursday to the judge who's preparing to sentence him for bank and tax fraud, according to reports from the...

CNN mistakenly uses photo of dead judge in report on Paul Manafort case

CNN was caught accidentally using a photo of a judge who's been dead for more than a decade to illustrate a Thursday afternoon report about the sentencing of Paul Manafort....

Paul Manafort gets less than 4 years for tax, bank fraud

Paul Manafort was sentenced Thursday to just under four years in prison for a massive fraud scheme tied to his work as a political consultant for Ukraine’s pro-Russian government. The...

Manafort waits to be sentenced for bank, tax fraud

President Trump’s ex-campaign chair Paul Manafort will be sentenced by a federal judge in Virginia on Thursday for bank and tax fraud — and could spend the rest of his...

Schiff: There is 'direct evidence' of Trump collusion

WASHINGTON – Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday there’s “direct evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and he won’t let up...