
The inconvenient truth about Supreme Court 'polarization': Do-nothing Congress to blame

Congress doesn't want the responsibility -- or the accountability -- that comes with being a legislature, so its members let the White House and the courts do their job for...

Bill Maher slams media in debate with Seth MacFarlane: 'They print the narrative, they don’t print truth'

Comedian Bill Maher went toe-to-toe with "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane on Friday over whether journalism is to be trusted in an age of social media and extreme partisanship. On...

Manchin calls US credit downgrade 'a stark warning' as spending fight looms

Sen. Joe Manchin savaged both political parties for fiscal splurging that paved the way for the Fitch Ratings credit downgrade on US debt.

When Republicans and Democrats worked out their differences civilly

From the beginning politics has always been a contact sport with competing interests attempting to achieve power over each other.

Biden's sudden call for 'respect' is hollow and insulting

Spare us your fake pieties, Mr. President. Your definition of "respect" is "let me do whatever I want." It isn't rude to oppose your failures; it's respecting the American people.

Should the House Republican majority copy Dems' violations of norms?

The left has gone mad over former President Donald J. Trump — past, present, and future.

Registered Dems are sick of the radical left — and some are switching sides

As the left wages cancel-culture wars and pushes for extreme political correctness, many registered Democrats say the party has turned its back on them.

Biden screws the frugal, America's real polarization and other commentary

The problem with President Biden’s student-loan forgiveness “runs far beyond finances,” fumes Fiona Harrigan at Reason.

More Democrats, Republicans see opponents as immoral, dishonest: poll

The Pew Research Center poll released Tuesday shows that 72% of Republicans view Democrats as more immoral than other Americans.

Good for Joe Manchin for blasting Chuck Schumer's petty partisan barbs

After several Senate Republicans voted Thursday to join Democrats in temporarily raising the federal debt ceiling, averting a financial crisis, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer took to the floor to insult...

The Navy adrift and other commentary

From the right: The Navy Adrift “Is the US Navy ready for war?” wonders The Wall Street Journal’s Kate Bachelder Odell. A new report by retired officers prepared for Congress...

Emotional Colorado lawmakers debate gun laws in wake of mass shooting

Heavy-hearted state lawmakers delivered a series of impassioned speeches at the Colorado state Capitol Tuesday, as they debated how to stop another mass shooting in state. Lawmakers on both sides...

In hyperpartisan Washington, truth is out the window, spending has no limit

After the Senate passed the $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan,” President Biden came out to take a bow. This measure came “not a moment too soon,” he said. “For over...

Gov. Cuomo slams 'Grim Reaper' Mitch McConnell over coronavirus funding

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's refusal to open the federal coffers for coronavirus-stricken state and local governments is a historically "dumb" idea that reeks of "ugly" partisanship, Gov. Andrew Cuomo...

Stop shutting down talk of how lockdowns end — we desperately need to figure it out

Chinese author Cixin Liu’s ­visionary science-fiction novel “The Three-Body Problem” features a planet called Trisolaris with an unstable atmosphere whose surface occasionally becomes uninhabitable — and whose inhabitants can literally...

Democrats in Congress must quit holding up relief bill over irrelevant demands

Hey, congressional Democrats: In case you haven’t noticed, the economy is headed for a crash. Stop playing games — and do your jobs. On Sunday and again Monday, New York’s...

Democrats' purely partisan path to impeachment can only tear America in two

The House of Representatives voted 232-196 to make its impeachment proceedings against President Trump legitimate and open, rather than unauthorized and closed. Regardless, Roll Call No. 604 was pure, raw,...

College kids’ hard left turn means trouble ahead for America

If college kids’ political views are a clue to the nation’s future, America is headed over a left-wing cliff. Consider: A recent Chegg/College Pulse poll found 69% of students say...

When historians get hysterical

In the age of Donald Trump, highly accomplished and well-respected liberal voices continue to lose their collective minds — Jon Meacham, the Pulitzer Prize-winning presidential historian, seemingly among them. After...

Kavanaugh is the kind of nonpartisan judge we need now

The reaction to the Brett Kavanaugh nomination demonstrates one reason why the court needs more justices with Kavanaugh’s philosophy, even if you think Kavanaugh himself should not be on the...