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Jill Biden's delusional if she believes she can save hubby, the country after debate debacle

In the aftermath of Joe Biden’s debate debacle, there is one constant: Dr. Jill’s delusional self-belief that she can save the day. 

Nikki Haley is right: Biden's collapse means Trump should up his game even more

We totally get why Donald Trump hasn’t brought Nikki Haley into his inner council after he trounced her during the primaries, but we hope he heeds her warning in the...

New debate rules helped Trump, treat big nonprofits like business and other commentary

In advance of the debate, “many assumed that these new rules would hurt Trump” given that “he feeds off live audiences.”

Democrats still scrambling to avoid any democracy in wake of Joe Biden's debate disaster

Democrats haven’t stopped scrambling since President Biden’s disaster Thursday night — publicly rallying behind him while leaking about their own fears and excuses.

President Biden needs to be replaced: Letters to the Editor — July 1, 2024

NY Post readers discuss the pressure for President Biden to leave the race after his debate performance last Thursday.

Supreme Court's Chevron ruling forces Congress to do its job

The Chevron doctrine, originally meant to streamline Ronald Reagan’s deregulation goals in the face of judicial obstruction, merely enabled bureaucratic bloat.

How DEI is coming for lawyers

This week, The Post's editorial board rightfully lauded Christopher F. Rufo’s recent article in City Journal entitled “How DEI Corrupts America’s Universities.” As the editorial board and Rufo correctly point...

Slipping Joe Biden needs to take the same approach as LBJ did and drop out

The Biden death blow came from The New York Times editorial board, which serves as the Enforcement Arm of the Democratic Party.

A party of shameless liars, how did Dems let this happen? and other commentary

Just “how did the Democrats let this happen?” marvels the Washington Examiner’s Byron York. President Biden’s performance in Thursday’s debate made clear that “there is no way” he’s fit “to...

Rachel Levine proves YET AGAIN she's America's No. 1 gender extremist

Assistant Secretary for Health Adm. Rachel Levine wants to trans ALL kids, no matter their age. Every sensible person must oppose her.

Rudy's homelessness wisdom, crime woes and more: Letters to the Editor — June 30, 2024

NY Post readers discuss Rudy Giuliani's approach to addressing homelessness, NYC's crime woes and more.

Why Lyme Disease remains as dangerous, mysterious and hard to detect as ever

Surging case loads and warmer winters have made Lyme Disease worse than ever.

Why there is no 'pride' for the LGBT community this year

From the support of dubious trans treatments, to #queersforpalestine, LGBTs have little to celebrate this year.

Biden's debate disaster reveals a campaign built on lies

The burning question is what drove this self-delusion and the betrayal of the public.

Biden's debate debacle revealed opposing visions for America

Everyone paid attention to how bad Biden looked and sounded — not what he was saying — but the debate showed voters two starkly different policy paths for the nation.

Biden's now-unmistakable mental weakness is an invitation for America's enemies to attack, attack, attack

Joe Biden’s disastrous debate is a political crisis for his campaign and his party.

Grassroots Democrats need to take the party back from the elites who've betrayed them

A staggering 82% of Americans, per a new Post poll, believe President Biden should drop out of the 2024 race after Thursday night's debate disaster.

President Biden's dismal debate performance Letters to the Editor — June 29, 2024

NY Post readers discuss evidence of President Biden’s cognitive decline during the presidential debate on June 27.

Nowhere left for the lying Dems and media to cover up for jellyhead Joe Biden

After Biden’s disastrous performance in the first presidential debate against Donald Trump, there is no amount of gaslighting or deceit that’s going to fool voters again.

Post-Biden, we must secure the border to address the looming national-security threat

Two days after news broke that 50 ISIS-linked illegal migrants were on the loose in the US, Biden dismissed the threat of terrorists entering our country through the southern border.