
Defiant Netanyahu doubles down on position for ending Hamas war

"Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages, and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a...

Netanyahu invokes Passover story, vows increased pressure on Hamas: ‘Let our people go’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to renew pressure against Hamas in Gaza during his speech ahead of Passover on Sunday.

Biden convenes G7 emergency summit as Israel debates response to blistering Iran drone attack

President Biden met with G7 leaders in an emergency session Sunday.

Six months into war, Israel has mostly succeeded — but the real battles are yet to come 

As Israel’s war with Hamas reaches the half-year mark on Sunday, April 7, the country may be winning the conflict on the battlefield, but the real fight has only just...

Israeli police clash with Palestinians at Jerusalem mosque on first day of Ramadan

Israeli cops clashed with Muslim worshipers at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem over the weekend, marking a violent start to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and heightening tensions...

English soccer official resigns from governing body after posting 'Hitler would be proud of Benjamin Netanyahu'

Wasim Haq has resigned following an inflammatory social media post about the Israel-Hamas conflict where he wrote that Adolf Hitler would be proud of Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

UCLA students batter Bibi piñata to chants of 'Beat that f---g Jew!'

Pro-Palestinian students at UCLA were captured on video battering a piñata bearing an image of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – to the chant of “beat that f---g Jew!”

Netanyahu refuses temporary cease-fire, promises Israel will use ‘all of its power’ moments after Blinken urged ‘pause’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday that his country would not consider halting its war on Hamas, rejecting Secretary of State Antony Blinken's call for "humanitarian pauses."

Adams walks political tightrope during Israeli trip in wake of controversial judicial reforms

"I wouldn't want others to tell me how to run [NYC]," the mayor said. "We should all watch history play out ... not to interfere, but to learn. I think...

Israel judicial overhaul:  Protests mount against Benjamin Netanyahu after bill passed

Israeli doctors declared a strike and black ads covered newspaper front pages on Tuesday in a backlash over the hard-right government's first part of a judicial overhaul.

Netanyahu defamation trial is as shocking as Amber Heard v. Johnny Depp

It's Israel's meshugana version of the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial. Not only does the libel case against Ehud Olmert pit two ex-prime ministers screaming at each other in a...

Israel's Netanyahu indicted after withdrawing immunity bid

The Knesset was widely expected to reject his immunity request.

Netanyahu's pooch confined after chomping on Hanukkah guests

JERUSALEM — Israel's first canine is in the dog house after biting two guests at the Prime Minister's Hanukkah candle lighting ceremony. Benjamin Netanyahu posted a family portrait — including...

Obama-Netanyahu feud a problem for Hillary and Dems

A top GOP strategist and pollster for newly re-elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that New York Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, “will pay a heavy price” at the polls...