muslim brotherhood

 This military special ops unit is so classified, even its name is a secret — and getting into it is absolute hell

A new memoir, "The Unit: My Life Fighting Terrorists as One of America's Most Secret Military Operatives," gives reader an inside look.

Qatar allegedly hired ex-CIA agent to discredit Sen. Ted Cruz, other lawmakers opposed to Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood

The oil-rich Gulf state of Qatar hired a former CIA agent's company to discredit Sen. Ted Cruz and other lawmakers who oppose Hamas and its parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood.

Don't listen to the doubters, history shows Hamas CAN be defeated

Hamas is an offshoot of the Brotherhood, which was born in Egypt and inspired dozens of radical branches across the Muslim world.

No, rewarding Islamists with a Palestinian state isn't the only option for Israel

Sen. Chris Murphy says the next Israeli government “is going to have to put us back on a path to have a Palestinian state," contending that it "is the only...

Hiking prescription costs, lefty Muslim-Brotherhood dupes and other commentary

Over 15,000 people have signed a petition to oust Columbia University professor Joseph Massad for penning an online article claiming the Hamas assault was a stunning victory.

Egypt court sentences 75 to death for 2013 sit-in

CAIRO — Egypt’s state-run media says a court has sentenced 75 people to death, including top figures of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, for their involvement in a 2013 sit-in....

When Dems were immigration moderates, waking up to Wolff's sleaze and other comments

Policy wonk: When Dems Were Immigration Moderates President Trump’s immigration proposals are sure to be met with nothing but continued Democratic resistance, predicts City Journal’s Howard Husock. Yet back in...

The careful way to go after Muslim Brotherhood radicals

The Trump Administration is mulling an order designed to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization. The best approach would be a piecemeal one: Some Brotherhood branches belong...

Ousted Egyptian president sentenced to death

CAIRO — An Egyptian court sentenced ousted President Mohammed Morsi and over 100 others to death Saturday over a mass prison break during the 2011 uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak...

Egypt blames Islamists for four beheaded corpses

CAIRO — Four beheaded corpses were found by residents of a town in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula on Wednesday, security sources said, blaming Islamist militants waging an insurgency against Cairo. The security...

Defiant Al Jazeera faces conservative backlash after Arab Spring

Al Jazeera, the Qatari-funded television station whose reporting of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings won it millions of viewers in the Middle East, is defiant following a backlash by Arab...

3 Al Jazeera reporters sentenced to 7 years in prison in Egypt

CAIRO — An Egyptian court on Monday convicted three journalists from Al Jazeera English and sentenced them to seven years in prison each on terrorism-related charges, bringing widespread criticism that...

Egypt confirms death sentences of more than 180 Islamists

CAIRO — An Egyptian court has confirmed the death sentences of more than 180 Islamists, including the top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. Lawyers say the ruling, which was confirmed...

Don't let the Islamists win in Libya

Khalifa Hifter’s bid to unite Libya under an anti-Islamist banner represents an opportunity for America to back an enemy of our enemies. Hifter joined the Libyan fray over the weekend,...

Egypt condemns 683 to death in huge trial

MINYA, Egypt — A judge on Monday sentenced to death 683 alleged supporters of the country's ousted Islamist president in the latest mass trial that included the Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual...

Al Qaeda leader urges American kidnappings

Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has called on Muslims to kidnap Westerners, particularly Americans, who could then be exchanged for jailed jihadists including a blind Egyptian cleric convicted in 1995...

3 deadly bombs target police at Cairo University

CAIRO — Three bombs exploded Wednesday outside Cairo University's main campus, hitting riot police deployed against near daily protests by Islamist students, killing a police general and wounding seven others,...

529 supporters of ex-President Morsi sentenced to death in Egypt

CAIRO — A court in Egypt on Monday sentenced to death 529 supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi on charges of murdering a policeman and attacking police, convicting them...

US embassy employee detained in Egypt

CAIRO -- A US embassy official says Egyptian authorities have held a local employee for nearly three weeks without charges. Moufid Deak, spokesman for the US Embassy in Cairo, says...

Egypt’s ex-president Morsi in rage-filled rant during trial

CAIRO — Toppled former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi stood alone in a soundproof, glass-encased metal cage at the start of a new trial Tuesday, wearing a white prison uniform, pacing...