
Pompeo slams 'woke-ism' in final day as secretary of state

Outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in his last full day as the top US diplomat, slammed progressive identity politics as "not who America is."

Republicans need to unite in defense of America's culture

Today’s Republican Party is lost. There is no clear mission driving the GOP. Some Republicans may describe their mission as “freedom” or “limited government.” But this is only a means...

Walmart to stop displaying 'multicultural' beauty products in locked cases

Walmart announced Wednesday that their stores will stop displaying personal care products meant for people of color in locked cases in response to complaints the practice was discriminatory. “We have...

Black student erupts over 'too many white people' at UVA multicultural center

An irate black student at the University of Virginia blasted her white classmates for taking advantage of the school’s new, expanded multicultural center, shocking video shows. The footage, which has...

Canadian right-wing party wants to end 'official multiculturalism'

TORONTO - An upstart Canadian right-wing political party announced on Friday that “ending official multiculturalism and preserving Canadian values and culture” will be part of its platform for the Canadian...

De Blasio's prez run latest cover for selling City Hall and other commentary

2020 watch: Blas’ White House Run Is His New Cash Hustle Mayor Bill de Blasio’s White House bid appears quixotic, judging by his miniscule national profile and lousy local support,...

No, gentrification isn't making NYC less diverse

New York is losing its diversity cred. Affluent Starbucks-swilling, kale-grazing white people are taking over the city’s multiracial ecosystem. At least that’s what the sophisticates tell us. The truth is...

Interracial adoption is on the rise — and America is better for it

Last week, the former San Diego Chargers running back LaDainian Tomlinson used his Hall of Fame speech to preach racial unity, saying that Americans are all on “one team,” that...

City funding for cultural centers will rely on employee 'diversity': de Blasio

City funding to cultural institutions will be based in part on their employee “diversity,” Mayor de Blasio announced Wednesday. He said a portion of the roughly $150 million the city...

Should Crown Heights hold a 'festival' to mark its tragic riots?

It's exactly what the community needs Twenty-five years ago, Crown Heights was in turmoil. A child — 7-year-old Gavin Cato — had died in tragic circumstances, an automobile accident. Rumors...

Europe is enabling a rape culture

In the wake of horrifying tales of sexual assault perpetrated by potentially up to 1,000 men on New Year’s Eve, German officials have made two stunning decisions. The first, from...

Why America makes it hard for immigrants to assimilate

Multiculturalism, meet ISIS. In the latest issue of New York magazine, in an article titled “ISIS at the Gyro King,” Mark Jacobson tracks the rise of the Uzbek community in...

Why Latino 'leaders' reject Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz’s official campaign isn’t even two weeks old, and already it’s done the nation a favor — by highlighting the duplicity of the “multicultural” left and what it is...