
Pope Francis visits Iraq's ruined city of Mosul

MOSUL, Iraq - Muslim and Christian residents of Mosul told Pope Francis of their lives under the brutal rule of Islamic State on Sunday as the pontiff blessed their vow...

How one Iraqi man risked his life to save zoo animals from ISIS

When ISIS took over a sprawling park near his home in Mosul, Iraq, Abu Laith was confident he could protect his pregnant wife and their 13 children. He wasn’t so...

Indian workers who were abducted by ISIS found in mass grave

Iraqi authorities have discovered a mass grave with the bodies of 38 Indian construction workers abducted when Islamic State militants overran the northern city of Mosul in 2014, officials said...

Mosul struggles to rebuild in wake of ISIS destruction

MOSUL, Iraq — For nearly 2½ miles along the western bank of the Tigris River, hardly a single building is intact. The warren of narrow streets of Mosul’s Old City...

'Morgue men of Mosul' detail grisly work under ISIS butchers

MOSUL, Iraq — The young man ended up on the morgue’s examining table in two parts. He had been seized for selling cigarettes, a crime usually punished by flogging by...

Battle against ISIS in Mosul left over 9,000 dead

MOSUL, Iraq — The price that Mosul’s residents paid in blood to see their city freed was between 9,000 and 11,000 dead, a civilian casualty rate nearly 10 times higher...

Iraq says war against ISIS is over

BAGHDAD — Iraq said Saturday that its war on the Islamic State group is over after more than three years of combat operations drove the extremists from all of the...

Mosul comes back to life after ISIS rule

Five months after Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city was liberated from ISIS in a nine-month long battle, residents have returned to the destroyed city to rebuild their lives.

ISIS barely has any territory after string of defeats

BEIRUT — With new losses, the Islamic State group has been driven from more than 96 percent of the large parts of Iraq and Syria it once held, crushing its...

Russian who joined ISIS in Iraq sentenced to hanging

A man who left Russia to join ISIS in Mosul was sentenced to death by hanging in Iraqi court -- the first such ruling on a foreign fighter, according to...

Iraqi military says it's on verge of taking ISIS stronghold

TAL AFAR, Iraq - Iraqi forces are about to take full control of Tal Afar, Islamic State’s stronghold in northwestern Iraq, in a swift campaign against the outnumbered, exhausted militants,...

German teen who ran off to join ISIS 'just wants to go home'

BERLIN -- A teenage German girl who ran away after converting to Islam and was found by Iraqi troops in Mosul says she wants to go home, a German newspaper and...

ISIS sex slaves still don’t believe they are free

Back in 2014, the world watched in horror as the Yazidi people fled their Mount Sinjar homeland as the Islamic State took hold. Those who got out were the lucky...

Son is killing ISIS one by one, seeking revenge for his dad

MOSUL, Iraq — For one Iraqi lieutenant, the fight against the Islamic State group in Mosul has been a slow, methodical quest for revenge. For three years, he has hunted...

Toddlers pulled from rubble show destruction of war with ISIS

With terror etched on his dirt-streaked face, this toddler was pulled out of the rubble in Mosul after the end of the ISIS reign of terror. Iraqi soldiers discovered the...

ISIS forced children to dismember captured combatant

For children half a world away, the nightmares don’t stop. Five-year-old Shadi and his older sister and brother are among thousands of children who have seen more terror than most of...

The heartbreaking aftermath of the Mosul victory

After eight months of urban warfare, the Iraqi armed forces declared victory over the Islamic State. But at what cost? The city of Mosul was left in ruins, thousands of...

Prime minister praises Iraqi forces for taking back Mosul from ISIS

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi arrived in Mosul on Sunday and congratulated the armed forces for their "victory" over Islamic State after eight months of urban warfare, bringing an end...

Iraqi forces expected to seize Mosul as ISIS defense crumbles

Iraqi security forces expect to take full control of Mosul within hours as Islamic State's defensive lines crumble in its former de facto capital in Iraq, military commanders said on...

US-backed forces breach wall around Raqqa's Old City

BEIRUT — US-backed Syrian forces have breached the wall around Raqqa's Old City, the US military said Tuesday, marking a major advance in the weeks-old battle to drive Islamic State...