moon jae in

North Korea turns back clocks to align with South Korea

North Korea will set the clocks back 30 minutes to align its time zone with South Korea’s starting Saturday “as a first practical step for national reconciliation and unity,” the...

Trump wants to meet Kim Jong Un at the Peace House

President Trump used his Twitter account on Monday to suggest he should meet North Korean President Kim Jong Un at the Peace House on the border separating the Koreas rather...

South Korean president thinks Trump should win a Nobel Peace Prize

South Korea's leader said President Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to get North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program and bring peace to the...

Duterte calls Kim Jong Un the 'hero of everybody'

MANILA — Philippine President Rodridgo Duterte said Sunday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, whom he had previously called a “fool,” is now the “hero of everybody” after Kim...

South Korea foodies went wild over Kim Jong Un's noodle joke

Kim Jong Un’s joke about noodles at the historic inter-Korean summit Friday launched a craze in South Korea among foodies who’ve been queuing up for the tasty dish, according to...

Trump celebrates 'end' of Korean War

President Trump cheered the "end" of the Korean War on Friday following a historic meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in. “KOREAN WAR...

North, South Korea sign denuclearization agreement

SEOUL — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in embraced after pledging on Friday to work for the "complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula," punctuating...

Kim cracks missile joke at historic summit

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un joked Friday that he wouldn’t fire any more missiles — and thus would no longer jar his South Korean counterpart out of bed. Seoul...

Kim Jong Un meets South Korean president in historic summit

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un made history Friday as he strolled across his country’s heavily armed border with South Korea and met with its president, President Moon Jae-in, for historic...

Kim Jong Un's sister to join him for historic South Korea summit

The historic inter-Korea summit will be a family affair. Kim Jong Un will be accompanied by his sister Kim Yo Jong as he meets with South Korean President Moon Jae-in...

Pope Francis calls for 'transparent dialogue' between Koreas

VATICAN CITY, April 25 - Pope Francis called for 'transparent dialogue' between the two Koreas on Wednesday, urging leaders at the first inter-Korean summit in more than a decade to...

Japan livid over 'distasteful' dessert at North Korea summit

A dessert dish that South Korea plans to serve at Friday's summit with the North has enraged Japan, which is demanding the "distasteful offering" not be served. The mango mousse...

Koreas set up hotline between leaders ahead of summit

SEOUL, South Korea — North and South Korea installed a telephone hotline between their leaders Friday as they prepare for a rare summit next week aimed at resolving the nuclear...

South Korea: North may discuss 'complete denuclearization'

North Korea signaled that it is willing to discuss "complete denuclearization" without demanding conditions like a withdrawal of American troops from the peninsula, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said on...

Koreas expected to announce end of 68-year war

North and South Korea are discussing plans to make a stunning announcement at their leaders summit next week: a permanent end to the 68-year state of war between the two,...

North and South Korea agree to hold leaders' summit in April

Officials from the rival Koreas will meet for their first summit in a decade next month to try to resolve a standoff over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. The announcement...

South Korea says it won't ease North Korea sanctions as talks resume

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Wednesday downplayed concerns that the resumption of inter-Korean dialogue will be accompanied by an easing of international sanctions and pressure...

Kim Jong Un's sister seems to have charmed South Korea

North Korea’s charm offensive may have paid off. South Korea is warming to diplomatic talks with the Hermit Kingdom, officials announced — as North Korea's secret weapon, Kim Yo Jong,...

It looks like Trump got through to 'Little Rocket Man'

For all the horror over President Trump’s “fire and fury” tough talk on North Korea, South Korean President Moon Jae-in is giving him “big credit” for diplomatic success. Pyongyang and...

US, South Korea agree to postpone military exercises until after Olympics

The Trump administration agreed to postpone planned military exercises with South Korea until after Seoul hosts the Olympic Winter Games next month, a possible diplomatic opening with North Korea that...