Mohammad bin Salman

Mr. President, your weakness is making the Middle East more dangerous

Today President Biden is piggybacking on the Trump team’s success in keeping America out of any new wars in the Middle East.

White House weighs restarting arms sales to Saudis as Biden visits: report

Senior Saudi officials have been in talks with their US counterparts in Riyadh and Washington for months about setting aside the ban that was established by Biden in 2021.

Ex-Saudi spy calls MBS 'psychopath,' threat to the US ahead of Biden visit

Saad Aljabri, once the number two official in Saudi intelligence, said the crown prince runs a vicious gang of mercenaries called the "Tiger Squad" that he uses to carry out...

Biden believes Saudi prince he's meeting ordered Khashoggi hit: Jean-Pierre

Biden will travel to Saudi Arabia in mid-July as he seeks to thaw US-Saudi relations amid record-high gas prices.

'Oil over principles': Khashoggi's fiancée slams Biden over Saudi crown prince MBS meet

The fiancée of murdered US-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi told President Biden "you are dishonoring yourself."

Biden to meet Khashoggi-killing prince on Saudi trip

The White House statement said Biden would visit the kingdom at the invitation of King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, but did not say whether he would meet with Crown Prince...

'Desperate' US ready to 'reset' relationship with Saudi Arabia: report

The White House is looking for a "reset" of its ties with Saudi Arabia, despite President Biden's promise to make Riyadh a "pariah" over the 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

Don't grovel abroad, Mr. President: Drill at home

President Biden should take his foot off the neck of the US energy sector instead of asking Saudi Arabia to pump more oil.

Jared Kushner gets $2B Saudi investment, drawing Hunter Biden comparisons

Jared Kushner's firm Affinity Partners made the deal shortly after President Donald Trump left office, despite a Saudi Public Investment Fund review panel's concerns about "inexperience."

France's Macron ends Gulf tour with private meeting with Saudi prince

The encounter took place as the country is in the midst of hosting a concert by Justin Bieber as the prince tries to open the country with his social reforms.

The problem with Kyle Rittenhouse media coverage and other commentary

Agenda-driven reporting on the Kenosha shootings “effectively excluded the possibility that [Kyle] Rittenhouse was a naive, dangerous fool."

Archaeologists in Saudi Arabia excavate forgotten kingdoms

Spanning roughly 900 years until 100 CE, the kingdoms controlled vital trade routes but very little is known about them.

Biden national security adviser Sullivan to meet with Saudi crown prince

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to try to bring an end to the seven-year war between the kingdom and Iranian-backed Houthi rebels...

FBI starts releasing newly declassified 9/11 probe documents

The FBI on Saturday -- the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks -- released a newly declassified document detailing assistance given to two of the Saudi hijackers.

Jeff Bezos affair saga is even more embarrassing than you thought

The upcoming book "Amazon Unbound,” by Brad Stone delves into the details of CEO Jeff Bezos's personal life and his affair with TV personality Lauren Sanchez.

How Team Biden invites Middle East mayhem

Yemen's Iran-allied Houthi rebels struck again over the weekend, launching drone and missile attacks on two Saudi oil facilities. It was the latest sign that President Joe Biden's efforts to...

Democrats' #MeToo hypocrisy and other commentary

Cuomo watch: Democrats’ #MeToo Hypocrisy Gov. Cuomo should be facing “explicit calls to resign from President Biden on down, if you apply the standard that Democrats set for similar allegations...

Pompeo slams Biden administration for 'reckless' release of Khashoggi report

Speaking to Fox News on Sunday afternoon, the nation's former top diplomat made the remarks after being asked about the Khashoggi report being declassified for the public to see.

Murdered journalist's fiancée: Saudi crown prince must be punished

Jamal Khashoggi's fiancée on Monday called on Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to be punished after a US intelligence report found he had approved the murder of the Saudi dissident....

Psaki skirts questions about punishing Saudi crown prince for Khashoggi death

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Sunday wouldn't directly say whether President Biden would take action to sanction Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman personally for the death of Saudi...