Michael Valva

Child protective system to blame in freezing death of ex-NYPD cop's 8-year-old son, DA says: 'Nothing was done to help'

A Long Island grand jury report into the freezing death of Thomas Valva, the 8-year-old son for ex-NYPD cop Michael Valva, said the child protective system kept years of abuse...

Judge says monster stepmom should spend rest of life in garage —where she left boy to die

Angela Pollina, the Long Island stepmom-from-hell who admitted that she forced her 8-year-old autistic stepson to sleep in a frigid garage the night before he died, was sentenced to 25...

'We don’t convict people because they’re bitches': Lawyer for ex of killer NYPD cop makes shocking closing statement

The defense attorney for Angela Pollina – who forced her ex-fiancé’s son into a frigid garage the night before he died – said she should beat her murder rap because...

Monster dad's ex testifies she was 'comfortable' while autistic boy froze to death

Angela Pollina shocked the jury in her Long Island murder trial Wednesday by saying that it was "a little chilly" — but she was "comfortable."

Ex of monster dad Michael Valva testifies she put kids in garage: 'I treated them evil'

"I treated them bad. I treated them evil. I put them in the garage. It was horrible. Yes, I did ... I exiled them," Angela Pollina, 45, told Suffolk County...

Former fiancée of killer ex-NYPD cop mocked his autistic son who froze to death: witness

Angela Pollina, who faces murder charges in the 2020 death of 8-year-old Thomas Valva, would unload 'vicious outbursts' at the boy before his death, a witness said.

Murdering ex-NYPD cop learns fate after making autistic son freeze to death

Michael Valva, the disgraced former NYPD cop found guilty of murder in the freezing death of his autistic son Thomas, has been sentenced to 25 years to life.

Here's what convinced a split jury of ex-NYPD cop's guilt at son's murder trial

The Long Island jury that convicted ex-NYPD cop Michael Valva in the death of his autistic 8-year-old son was initially split -- but was eventually swayed.

Ex-NYPD cop found guilty of murdering autistic son, 8

Disgraced former NYPD officer Michael Valva is guilty of brutally murdering his 8-year-old son after years of neglect and abuse, a Suffolk County jury found on Friday.

Teacher sobs recalling ex-NYPD cop's 'emaciated' autistic son eating off the floor

The "emaciated" 8-year-old son of ex-NYPD cop Michael Valva was so neglected at home, he had to eat crumbs off the schoolhouse floor.

School tried to help neglected kids of ex-NYPD cop, accused in son's death: principal

School officials flooded a Child Protective Services hotline in a desperate effort to get the children of ex-NYPD officer Michael Valva’s help after severe concerns about their safety. 

Ex-NYPD cop Michael Valva 'had no emotion' as 8-year-old son lay dying: paramedic

Ex-NYPD cop Michael Valva showed "no emotion" as emergency workers fought to revive his dying 8-year-old autistic son inside his Long Island home, a paramedic testified Thursday at the disgraced...

'Beat them until they bleed:' Ex-NYPD cop stands trial in death of 8-year-old son

Ex-NYPD cop Michael Valva put his children through years of hellish abuse — culminating in the 2020 freezing death of his autistic 8-year-old son, prosecutors alleged at his murder trial.

Video evidence can be used against ex-NYPD cop charged with killing son

Video evidence can be used at the trial of ex-NYPD cop Michael Valva charged alongside his former fiancée with murdering his 8-year-old son, a judge ruled Thursday, finding that a...

Ex-NYPD cop charged in son's freezing death will face damning video evidence at trial

Long Island prosecutors claim the video, taken from inside the house, prove the ex-officer and his former fiancée abused 8-year-old Thomas.

Ex-NYPD cop, former lover play blame game over 8-year-old's death

The former lovers each face second-degree murder raps for allegedly forcing Thomas, who was autistic, to sleep in an unheated garage.

Ex-NYPD cop charged with son's murder allegedly let dog sleep in heated room as child froze

The former NYPD cop who allegedly left his 8-year-old autistic son locked in a freezing garage also kept a family dog in a heated room inside at the same time,...

Michael Valva shows no emotion as prosecutors display photos of son's clothes

The ex-NYPD cop charged with murdering his autistic 8-year-old son showed no emotion in a Long Island courtroom Wednesday as prosecutors presented photos of his boy’s shirt, socks and soiled...

NYPD cop charged in son's murder tears up in court as 911 call played

Michael Valva cried at his pre-trial hearing Suffolk County Supreme Court as the 911 audio played from the day his son Thomas Valva died.

Mom files $200M suit over 8-year-old son's freezing death

The mother of Thomas Valva filed a $200 million federal lawsuit Tuesday, claiming Long Island courts, school officials and social service agencies failed to protect the boy from his abusive...