michael flynn

Fresh evidence Obama ordered up the phony Russiagate scandal

Files unsealed in the final stages of Michael Flynn’s years-long court struggle reveal a real stunner — confirmation that President Barack Obama played a central role in foisting the whole...

Biden may have 'personally raised' idea to investigate Michael Flynn

Former Vice President Joe Biden appears to have "personally raised the idea" of investigating Michael Flynn for potentially having violated the obscure Logan Act during his phone calls with then-Russian...

Federal appeals court orders judge to drop case against Michael Flynn

A federal appeals court on Wednesday ordered a judge to drop charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn. The three-judge panel in Washington, DC, approved Flynn's defense team's request...

Judge asks if Michael Flynn dismissal is good for racist police

A federal appeals court judge repeatedly asked Friday whether dropping the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn would mean police can escape accountability for brutalizing black people. DC...

Senate panel gives Lindsey Graham power to subpoena Obama officials

WASHINGTON — Ex-FBI Director James Comey and dozens of other Obama-era officials could soon be hauled before Congress after the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday gave Chairman Lindsey Graham unilateral...

Ex-judge urges court to sentence Michael Flynn despite DOJ bid to drop case

A former judge appointed to oppose the Justice Department's request to drop its case against Michael Flynn urged sentencing to move ahead in a court filing Wednesday, arguing the government's...

Judge asks appeals court for more time on dismissal of Mike Flynn case

The judge overseeing the prosecution of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is asking a federal appeals court for time to consider the Justice Department's motion to drop the case,...

Judge in Michael Flynn case pressing to keep prosecution alive

The federal judge overseeing the sentencing of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn -- who refused to dismiss Flynn’s guilty plea after the Department of Justice asked him to drop the case...

Michael Flynn transcripts show conversations with Sergey Kislyak were normal

That’s it?! Transcripts of the infamous calls between Michael Flynn and then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reveal what was already known: The conversations between an incoming administration official and a foreign...

Transcripts of Flynn's calls with Russian ambassador released

The content of four phone calls and one voicemail between Flynn and Kislyak were released, documenting conversations during the Trump presidential transition, including about sanctions.

AG Barr appoints special prosecutor to review 2016 election 'unmasking'

Attorney General William Barr has appointed a US Attorney in Texas to review the "unmasking" process that took place at the time of the 2016 presidential election.

Outgoing Trump intel chief declassifies calls between Flynn, Kislyak

The move by Grenell comes on the same day he was replaced by former Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Tx.), who was sworn in Tuesday after being confirmed to the position by...

Acting DNI Richard Grenell stepping down as ambassador to Germany

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell will step down as US ambassador to Germany, he confirmed. Grenell, who took over as acting DNI in February, addressed the news in...

Federal judge in Michael Flynn case hires high-powered attorney to defend his decisions

The federal judge who denied a Justice Department request to immediately drop the prosecution of former Trump advisor Michael Flynn has hired a high-powered DC attorney to defend his decision....

ObamaGate isn't a 'distraction' — it's about outrageous abuses

Attorney General William Barr was damn right last week to blast the collusion hoax that began under President Barack Obama as “a grave injustice” unprecedented in US history. Claims by...

FBI chief Christopher Wray opens internal probe of Michael Flynn case

The move follows the Justice Department's decision this month to drop its prosecution of Flynn, who pleaded guilty in late 2017 to lying to the FBI. President Trump alleges the...

Michael Flynn's lawyer joins call for release of Kislyak transcripts

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn's lawyer is joining a call for the transcript of conversations between her client and former Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak to be...

Susan Rice's email exposes Team Obama's 'by the book' treachery: Goodwin

To the ObamaBots, Susan Rice’s “Dear Diary” e-mail to herself on Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day is no big deal. To which the rest of the world channels John McEnroe and...

Susan Rice's now-infamous memo was blatant bid to cover Obama's butt

Susan Rice’s memo about a high-level Jan. 5, 2017, meeting plainly aimed to protect the then-national security adviser’s boss, President Barack Obama — but it’s backfiring spectacularly. Rice sent the...

Susan Rice email shows Comey debated withholding info from Michael Flynn

Then-FBI Director James Comey suggested that President Barack Obama might want to keep information about Russia from incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn in January 2017, according to a newly...