meet market

Intellectual uptown gal wants a man who will make her think

Kyle, 23, is a culture nerd who can spend hours in a museum, and she’s looking for a guy to expand her horizons. "I want to date someone with their...

World traveler on a quest for a fellow jet-setter

Ariana, a 33-year-old music producer, has journeyed to places far and wide — and, for her next trip, she’d like some company. City girl: She grew up in Manhattan. Sight...

New guy seeks a city girl to show him around

Philip, 25, moved to the big city eight months ago from Florida ­­­— now that he’s settled in, he’s ready for romance. Celebrity crush: Philip has had a thing for...

Avid hiker seeks a stylish lady

Michael, 26, has an eye for design, and he’s attracted to ladies with style — though shopaholics need not apply. Lumberjack: Michael has a love affair with nature, and he’s...

Crocheter seeks a well-read woman

M.L., 30, is a crocheter, specializing in crafting hats, but he’s still trying to hook the girl of his dreams. Happy Ending: For M.L., it’s important that the woman he’s...

Active guy seeks a concert-loving gal

Weight up: Denis stays as fit as he was in his crew days by going to the gym five times a week. Stand tall: At 6 feet 2 inches, Denis...

Brooklyn-based director seeks a low-key leading lady

Tahir, 27, has helmed a Web series and hopes to make a blockbuster someday and he’d like someone to share the spotlight with. Getting some action: Tahir likes to exercise...

Social uptown gal seeks a tall guy to chill with

Taj, 28, loves to go out and have a good time, but the digital editor wouldn’t mind a man who appreciates the great indoors. Over/under: Taj, who stands at 5’6”,...

Bronx-born businessman seeks fun-loving gal

When Marlon, 34, isn’t at the office, he enjoys biking, hiking and flexing his skills on the turntables, and he’s looking for a woman who enjoys a good spin. Mike...

Trivia champion seeks a woman with beauty and brains

Matt, 28, is a self-described nerd who works in digital advertising, and he’d be sold on a girl who appreciates the finer — and not-so fine — things in life....

Laid-back island guy wants a lively gal

Josh, 30, is an attorney from Hawaii who says the best dates are the ones that make three hours feel like three minutes. He is laid-back and appreciates strong women....

Data nerd seeks a woman to make a perfect pair

Chris, 30, is a data scientist who nerds out over statistics, and he’s hoping his romantic odds improve. ’Wich doctor: Chris is so obsessed with sandwiches, he once took a...

Yankee-loving girl seeks man who will step up to the plate

Kat, a 29-year-old teacher, is a passionate baseball fan, but she’s looking for a mellow guy. The pits: Kat enjoys a variety of cuisines, including Mexican, Indian and Thai, and...

Runner wants a woman who will work up a sweat to win him over

Daniel, 34, works backstage on Broadway, but he’s ready for a love scene with that special someone On the Run: Daniel says his ideal date wouldn’t start in the evening,...

Cali girl turned New Yorker wants more than dinner-and-a-movie

Mallory, 27, is a visual merchandiser, and when she’s not dressing windows, she’s looking out for a man who has a good eye. Out with a Bang: To get a...

'Boy next door' seeks a girl to move to his grooves

Matt, 30, is an operations manager who enjoys playing music and taking photos in his spare time, and his picture-perfect girl would enjoy the same things. Spin Cycle: Whenever he’s...

Army vet wants a girl ready to explore

Joe, 30, is a military-man-turned-business-analyst who loves his leisure activities, and he wants a woman who plays harder than she works. Ear Candy: When asked to name his favorite album,...

Businessman wants to find a muse he can serenade

Frantz, 40, works in the corporate world, but his true passion is singing — and romancing the right woman, should she come along. An Original: Though Frantz is more than...

Adventurous Brooklynite looking for a bold woman

Derek, 26, is an adventurous but shy Brooklynite, who wants a woman he feels comfortable opening up to. A real player: Derek loves hitting the local pub for some drinks...

Weekend warrior seeks guy above the competition

When Tiffany, 29, isn’t playing hard in her two-hand-touch football league, the human resources director is interested in meeting a strong candidate for the position of Mr. Right. Citizen of...