Matthew Whitaker

Trump reportedly pressured Whitaker to intervene in Cohen probe

Matthew Whitaker may find himself on the hot seat after a report Tuesday appeared to contradict his sworn testimony that President Trump never pressured him over the Russia probe. When...

Matt Whitaker says he hasn't discussed Mueller probe with Trump

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker testified Friday that he had not talked to President Trump about special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. The comment came during a testy opening exchange...

Republican accuses Dems of 'dog and pony show' during Whitaker hearing

WASHINGTON -- The House Judiciary Committee's hearing with Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker got off to a raucous start Friday when the top Republican accused Democrats of staging a "dog...

Whitaker confirmed to appear before House Judiciary Committee

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee says Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker will appear before the panel Friday. Whitaker’s appearance had been thrown into question after the panel approved...

Whitaker won't testify to House Judiciary panel unless he's promised no subpoenas

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker’s scheduled appearance before the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee Friday was up in the air after he threatened to pull out unless a subpoena was withdrawn....

Acting AG Whitaker makes surprise appearance at El Chapo trial

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker made a surprise appearance at the trial of drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman on Monday, as jurors began their deliberations. Whitaker joined US Attorney...

Acting AG Whitaker says Mueller probe 'close to being completed'

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election is "close to being completed," the acting attorney general said Monday. Acting AG Matt Whitaker, who oversees...

Acting attorney general falsely claimed to be an Academic All-American football player

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker falsely claimed on his resume and on government documents that he was named an Academic All-American when he played football at the University of Iowa,...

Acting AG Whitaker ignores DOJ's ethics recommendation

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker chose not to recuse himself from the Russia probe — even though Justice Department ethics officials urged him to step aside out of an "abundance...

Whitaker reportedly misled FTC before taking DOJ job

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker misled the Federal Trade Commission’s investigators as he was stepping into his role as the Justice Department’s chief of staff last year, a new report...

Acting AG Whitaker wrongly claims Chelsea bomber had accomplices

Acting US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker botched an address to the FBI-NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force in Manhattan Wednesday by wrongly claiming Chelsea bomber Ahmad Rahimi had two co-conspirators —...

Whitaker praises NYPD as 'greatest police department on Earth'

Acting US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker on Wednesday called the NYPD "perhaps the greatest police department on Earth" in a speech before the FBI-NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force in Manhattan....

Schiff: Democrats will challenge Trump's 'unconstitutional' AG pick

Rep. Adam Schiff said House Democrats will challenge President Trump's naming Matthew Whitaker acting Attorney General because the appointment is unconstitutional and he poses a threat to the special counsel's...

Justice Department says Trump's AG appointment is legal

The Justice Department on Wednesday released a memo that called President Trump’s appointment of loyalist Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general legal — rejecting charges that the move violated the...

Dem leaders call on acting AG to recuse himself from Russia probe

WASHINGTON — Top congressional Democrats are calling on acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker to recuse himself from the Russia probe. Seven party leaders, including Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.),...

Acting AG could hold office through June but possibly wouldn't last

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker can hold office through June under the law President Trump used to appoint him, but he probably won’t last that long. “I think this will...

Trump says he doesn't know acting AG Matt Whitaker

President Trump said on Friday night that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was "chosen" by Jeff Sessions and Trump had "no social contact" with the lawman. Trump made the statement...

Trump says he hasn't talked about Russia with the new guy

President Trump said Friday he hasn't discussed the ongoing Russia investigation with new acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and complained that special counsel Robert Mueller hadn't undergone Senate confirmation —...

Kellyanne Conway's husband: Trump's AG appointment ‘unconstitutional’

An op-ed co-written by George Conway — husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway — contends that President Trump’s appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general is unconstitutional because...

Judge Napolitano says Trump's acting AG isn't qualified for role

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano said Thursday that President Trump’s appointee to be acting attorney general “does not qualify under the law” to lead the Justice Department. Napolitano’s comment...