mark warner

Senator rallying fellow Democrats to urge Biden to drop out of presidential race: report

Warner, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has reportedly told his colleagues that he fears the 81-year-old president will lose to former President Donald Trump in November in the...

Mitt Romney asked these Dem Senators to primary Biden: report

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) revealed Tuesday that he has encouraged several of his Democratic Senate colleagues to challenge President Biden for the party’s 2024 nomination.  Romney, the GOP nominee for...

Senate Intel Committee demands to see leaked classified docs in Jack Teixeira case

Pentagon documents were leaked allegedly by Massachusetts Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira, whom one senator referred to as “Snowden 2.0.”

House, Senate leaders finally get access to classified docs from Trump, Pence, Biden

The Justice Department had previously stonewalled requests from lawmakers to review the documents, citing concerns about revealing details of an ongoing criminal investigation.

Top Senate intel Dem gives Biden ‘failing grade’ on classified docs

Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Mark Warner (D-Va.) on Wednesday slammed President Biden for not being forthright about the contents of classified documents.

White House 'very in favor' of bill to ban or force sale of TikTok: Sen. Warner

“I think the White House is very in favor of this bill,” said Sen. Mark Warner ​(D-Va.) ​on CBS​ News​’​ “Face The Nation.” “We give the secretary of Commerce the...

Senate intel chief pushes bipartisan bill to ban China-owned TikTok

The clock is ticking on TikTok. Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va) said he is planning to introduce a bipartisan bill this week that would grant the government authority to "ban or...

Senate Intel Committee leaders say briefing on classified doc scandals ‘left much to be desired’

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence said the mishandling of classified documents by President Biden and former President Donald Trump “left much to be desired.”

Warner, Rubio call for Biden to help Afghan allies who assisted US intelligence

The top two lawmakers on the Senate Intelligence Committee are calling on the Biden administration to take swift action to ensure the safety of Afghans who aided US intelligence agencies.

Senate intelligence committee seeks inauguration threat info

The Senate intelligence committee is asking US spy agencies for information on threats to next week's inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. Committee chairman Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and ranking member...

Mayo Clinic: Virginia senator gives stomach-turning tuna melt tutorial

A Virginia senator is drawing tubs of criticism after absolutely drenching his tuna melt in mayo during an ill-advised cooking-at-home post on social media. Mark Warner begins the Instagram video...

Warner is 'bothered' by Trump giving Kushner top-secret clearance

Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said he is "bothered" by President Trump's granting White House adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner top-secret security clearance despite...

Democrats, Republicans and intel officials rip Trump for dissing latest report

Top Democratic lawmakers, national security experts and other analysts ripped President Trump on Wednesday after he mocked his own top intelligence officials for contradicting his foreign policy opinions — telling...

Trump goes on tweetstorm while stuck on Air Force One

President Trump tweeted from Air Force One on Monday night as a storm delayed him from getting to a campaign rally in South Carolina on time. Trump claimed that a...

Senator to fellow Dems who voted against gun control: 'Let your position evolve'

Democratic Sen. Mark Warner on Sunday urged his congressional colleagues to allow their positions on gun control "evolve" after the latest deadly school shooting, saying "reasonable restraints" can be implemented...

Silicon Valley's war on transparency

Ralph Peters argues powerfully for “revolutionary thinking about the Internet.” But it’s thinking Silicon Valley is all too likely to resist. “Instead of prostituting every last shred of principle to...

Top Democrat will call Comey testimony 'disturbing'

Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, plans to say that he found fired FBI Director James Comey’s advance testimony “disturbing.” The Virginia Democrat plans to...