loretta lynch

Trump to reveal whether or not he taped Comey conversations

WASHINGTON – President Trump will reveal “next week” whether or not he has taped private conversations between himself and fired FBI Director James Comey, according to the president’s legal team....

Top Democrat calls for investigation of Loretta Lynch's Clinton probe

WASHINGTON – The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee called Sunday for a congressional investigation into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe. Sen....

Comey suspects Loretta Lynch was working with Clintons

Ousted FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that he suspected former Attorney General Loretta Lynch was in cahoots with the Hillary Clinton campaign last summer. Lynch, he said, told him...

Comey explains why he blew the lid off the Clinton email probe

Ousted FBI Director James Comey told said Thursday that former President Clinton's surprise meeting at an Arizona airport with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch prompted him to go public with results...

Lindsey Graham: Comey 'intervened in the election' over fake info

WASHINGTON – Ousted FBI Director James Comey must be held accountable for creating a presidential election frenzy over “fake” intelligence, one top Republican senator said Sunday. "If he intervened in...

Comey: Lynch meeting Bill Clinton on tarmac tainted probe

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s surprise meeting with Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac last year convinced FBI Director James Comey there was no way the Justice Department could conduct...

Loretta Lynch calls to eliminate 'waves of intolerance' in America

Loretta Lynch used her final public speech as attorney general to criticize the “waves of hatred, waves of intolerance and injustice” in America. Speaking Sunday, days before President-elect Donald Trump...

Chicago pledges improvements after scathing police report

CHICAGO — Chicago officials are pledging to revamp the city Police Department following a scathing federal report, but a change in presidential administrations could spell uncertainty for the critical next...

Trump administration likely to decide fate of Garner chokehold cop

NYPD cop Daniel Pantaleo reportedly will not be charged or cleared in the death of Eric Garner before Attorney General Loretta Lynch leaves office next week, leaving the matter to...

DOJ releases scathing report on Chicago police abuses after year-long probe

CHICAGO — The Chicago Police Department has violated the constitutional rights of residents for years, permitting racial bias against blacks, using excessive force and killing people who did not pose...

Comey defied Lynch in telling Congress about renewed Hillary probe

FBI Director James Comey went rogue when he told Congress that he has reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails -- defying direct orders from his boss, Attorney General Loretta...

De Blasio heaps praise on Loretta Lynch for taking over Garner case

Mayor de Blasio on Wednesday gushed about Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s decision to take over the Eric Garner case, lauding the Justice Department as “the gold standard in terms of...

Justice Dept. eyes a political prosecution in Garner case

When Loretta Lynch was appointed US attorney general in 2014, we expressed delight that she’d be replacing Eric Holder, who had so outrageously politicized the Justice Department. Maybe we spoke...

Justice Department to charge cop in death of Eric Garner

Washington-based federal prosecutors plan to aggressively pursue charges against NYPD cop Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner on Staten Island, a law enforcement source told The Post...

Feds 'not happy' they were replaced in Eric Garner case

Federal probers in New York are “not happy” that the Justice Department in D.C. is nosing in on the chokehold death investigation of Eric Garner by replacing them with their...

Deutsche Bank rebounds after DOJ settlement scare

Maybe Attorney General Loretta Lynch was just joking. On Sept. 15, the Justice Department boss let leak that the US was looking for Deutsche Bank to fork over about $14...

Loretta Lynch stonewalls Congress on Clinton email probe details

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Loretta Lynch stonewalled Congress on Tuesday on the details of the Hillary Clinton email case, refusing to get into the specifics of her decision not to...

Dallas cop massacre could be probed as hate crime

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Friday was weighing whether to launch the first-ever federal hate crimes investigation into a cop-killing following the massacre of five officers in Dallas, according...

Justice Dept. doesn’t care about Hillary’s damn emails

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Loretta Lynch says the Hillary Clinton email investigation is being closed without any criminal charges. Lynch announced the Justice Department decision Wednesday, one day after FBI...

Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton reportedly regret tarmac run-in

WASHINGTON — A frequent defender of Hillary Clinton acknowledged Sunday the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton tarmac confab could set off alarm bells. “I think both of them wished their airplanes had...