loretta lynch

Loretta Lynch tapped to assist state attorney general's NYPD probe

The New York attorney general has enlisted former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch to help probe violent clashes between the NYPD and George Floyd protesters, the office announced Wednesday. "The...

Did Jim Comey spy on Loretta Lynch?

Was then-FBI chief Jim Comey spying on his boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch? He apparently had a “highly placed informant” in her office reporting on her doings as of May...

Comey was ‘troubled’ by Loretta Lynch’s ‘pro-Clinton bias’: book

Former FBI Director James Comey was “troubled” by then-Attorney General Loret­ta Lynch’s “pro-Clinton bias” at the beginning of the Hillary Clinton email probe, a bombshell new book claims. Comey was...

Ex-Attorney General Loretta Lynch House testimony was a snoozefest

WASHINGTON — Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday before congressional committees in what turned out to be real snoozefest — with two Democratic lawmakers saying they saw colleagues napping...

House Judiciary Committee issues subpoenas for James Comey, Loretta Lynch

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee have issued subpoenas for former FBI Director James Comey and ex-Attorney General Loretta Lynch to testify behind closed doors about their actions during the...

Trump calls James Comey a 'slimeball' who lied to Congress

In a series of tweets on Sunday, President Trump referred to "Slippery James Comey" as a "slimeball," accused him of lying to Congress and throwing the former attorney general "under...

Comey throws Lynch under the bus over Hillary email probe

Ex-FBI Director James Comey savages President Trump in his bestselling new tell-all, “A Higher Loyalty” — but also skewers former Attorney General Loretta Lynch for her dubious handling of the...

Michael Grimm says his prison stint got Loretta Lynch her job

Michael Grimm, Staten Island’s ex-con ex-congressman, says that his stint in jail got Loretta Lynch her job as U. S. Attorney General. The admitted tax cheat accused Lynch -- the...

Schumer’s Gateway woes and other comments

Conservative take: Schumer’s Losing on Gateway Tunnel Turns out there’s less than meets the eye to what state officials in New York and New Jersey thought was a done deal...

Trump: NYT, WaPo 'reluctant' to cover shady tarmac meeting

President Trump attacked the New York Times and Washington Post on Tuesday for their alleged reluctance to cover a meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton last year....

What the liberal media is hiding about the Hillary email probe

If the New York Times, the Washington Post and now ABC News aren’t embarrassed yet, then there is no hope for what is called the mainstream media. Another slew of...

Republicans still want to investigate Clinton after election loss

WASHINGTON — Democrat Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to President Donald Trump, but some Republicans in Congress are intensifying their calls to investigate her and other Obama administration officials....

Loretta Lynch denies tipping off Team Clinton about email probe

Ex-Attorney General Loretta Lynch has denied telling Hillary Clinton’s campaign that the feds would pull their punches in their investigation into the former Secretary of State's private email server. Lynch...

New holes in Loretta Lynch's story on the Hillary probe

When former Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified last year about her decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information, she swore she never talked to “anyone” on the...

Schiff: Possible Lynch meddling in Clinton email probe makes me 'queasy'

WASHINGTON – Borrowing a line from ousted FBI director James Comey, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said Sunday he’s “queasy” about the possibility of former Attorney General...

Senate panel looking into Lynch's involvement in Clinton email probe

WASHINGTON — A Senate panel is investigating whether former Attorney General Loretta Lynch interfered in the FBI probe of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to a letter sent to...

Next up: a special counsel to probe Team Obama's obstruction of justice

By using fired FBI Director James Comey to attack the new Republican administration, Democrats have opened up a legal can of worms for the Obama administration. Under sworn questioning, Comey...

Everyone trusts Jim Comey when he says what they want to hear

Is James Comey an honest patriot or a conniving operative? Depends on whom you ask — and when you ask them. Both Republicans and Democrats, it turns out, have been...

'Totally illegal': Trump says Lynch gave Clinton 'free pass' on email server

President Trump in a tweet on Tuesday accused former Attorney General Loretta Lynch of providing cover for Hillary Clinton during the probe into her use of an email server. "A.G....

Judiciary Committee members call for Loretta Lynch to testify on Hillary's emails

WASHINGTON – Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are pressuring Chairman Chuck Grassley to ask former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to testify before the panel on whether she interfered with...