long island medium

The three zodiac signs with psychic abilities

In terms of planets placements within the birth chart, zodiac signs with psychic predispositions tend to have heavy concentration in the water houses of the eighth and twelfth house.

Here's what you need to know about the Long Island Medium's 2023 tour

'Long Island Medium' Theresa Caputo has 25 huge shows in 2023 from February through August. We found tickets for all shows.

Long Island Medium conjures 9/11 victims: Is it closure or 'shameful' exploitation?

Years after her mother’s death from 9/11-related stomach cancer, Noelle Borders takes comfort in knowing she has a guardian angel close by. She thanks Theresa Caputo for that.

'Long Island Medium' slammed for 'shameful' 9/11 anniversary special

Not everyone appreciates the spiritual outreach, with some suggesting it's blatant exploitation.

Kim Kardashian praises 'Long Island Medium' after reading

“You guys, today is probably one of the best days of my life," Kardashian beamed.

'Long Island Medium' Theresa Caputo finalizes her divorce from Larry

She and Larry Caputo called it quits after 28 years of marriage.

'Long Island Medium' and estranged husband admit: We saw this one coming

"I feel like as hard and as difficult it was for us to separate, it just wasn't working," Theresa says in a clip from the upcoming season.

'Long Island Medium' Theresa Caputo files for divorce

Fortune has not favored the marriage of "Long Island Medium" Theresa Caputo and husband Larry Caputo.

Larry Caputo shares what went wrong in his marriage to 'Long Island Medium'

The couple is divorcing after 28 years of marriage.

The Long Island Medium warns never to forget hair spray

Theresa Caputo has always been about hair-raising experiences. Since 2011, the star of TLC’s “Long Island Medium” has been dazzling audiences with her chilling ability to allegedly channel the dead....