law department

The City Council's power grab would make NYC government more dysfunctional

The City Council is moving ahead with its power grab over top mayoral appointments, demanding an unprecedented power of approval over chiefs of the NYPD, FDNY and other key agencies.

NYC’s top lawyer officially leaves as Adams admin lobbies for Randy Mastro as replacement

In a lengthy farewell email to the entire Law Department Thursday, Sylvia Hinds-Radix thanked her staff for their work on shutting down canabis shops, the lawsuits against social media companies...

City Council's latest power grab is a fight Mayor Adams must win

In an outrageous bid to grab more power — but not an ounce of added accountability — City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and her lefty allies are seeking a council...

Randy Mastro is more than qualified to be NYC's top lawyer

Most of the City Council signed a letter vowing to block confirmation of Randy Mastro if Mayor Eric Adams chooses him as the next corporation counsel.

NYC’s top lawyer learned she's being replaced through the news after raising issues with city repping Adams in sex misconduct suit: sources

The relationship between the Corporation Counsel Hon. Sylvia Hinds-Radix and City Hall began to sour over the past few weeks as she raised concerns over using the Law Department for...

NYC's top lawyer ‘pushed out’ as Mayor Adams eyes ex-Giuliani deputy who helped clear Christie in Bridgegate scandal

Former NYC Deputy Mayor Randy Mastro has earned a reputation as a ferocious legal opponent and was notably hired in 2014 by New Jersey Gov. Christie to conduct an internal...

NYC on the hook for a staggering $213 million in legal payments — a 200% spike

The city paid a record $213 million in decisions and settlements from July through October, a record dating back to at least fiscal year 2002.

Black, Hispanic NYers who failed teacher's test pocket $1.8B in bias suit settlement

As of Friday, 225 people of color who failed an exam once used for city teacher licensing from 1994 to 2014 had already been notified they’re getting settlements of at...

NYC taxpayers shell out whopping $794M in legal payments in past year — a 38% jump

NYC taxpayers shelled out a whopping $794.4 million in legal judgments and claims during the fiscal year ending June 30, up 38% from the $575.9 million paid out during the...

Retired cops, teachers, FDNY accuse city of lies in health benefits battle

New York City lawyers lied to a state judge in a "shameful'' bid to cheat them out of health insurance benefits, according to a retired group of civil servants.

Adams says he had no role in firing NYC lawyer who confronted him over toddler masks

Daniela Jampel learned Monday that she was fired from her job shortly after she furiously accused Adams of backtracking on his promise to lift the school mask mandate for children...

City attorney fired after confronting Adams on tot masks repped NYC in high-profile cases

“I am an attorney for the city. I have represented cops who lie in court, teachers who molest children, prison guards who beat inmates,” Jampel said Friday in her tweet.

'If you don't like it, move!' Democrats want to let non-citizens vote in NYC

The bill by Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez seeks to supersede state law and give green card and work visa holders the right to vote in local elections.

NYC Law Department's network frozen after cyberattack

“The City’s Cyber Command has identified unauthorized access within the NYC Law Department’s IT environment and promptly launched an investigation into the matter," said spokesperson Laura Feyer.

De Blasio left $1.4B in fines uncollected amid COVID-19 budget crunch: audit

The de Blasio administration has left more than $1.4 billion in uncollected fines on the table for violations of quality of life regulations thanks to a slew of bureaucratic breakdowns...

NYC lawsuit payouts drop by 11 percent — but still nearly $1B in 2019

The volume of lawsuits against the city declined by 5 percent in the last fiscal year compared to 2018 and payouts dropped by 11 percent or $125 million, according to...

Critics question de Blasio's impartiality over lawyer chosen to review NYC protests

New York City Corporation Counsel James Johnson was appointed last month, along with Department of Investigation Commissioner Margaret Garnett, to examine the NYPD's handling of citywide protests spurred by George...

Two NYC Law Department attorneys test positive for coronavirus

One of the lawyers was believed to be connected to the outbreak in New Rochelle, which is a "containment zone" due to its large cluster of COVID-19 cases.

NYPD’s tally of lawsuit settlements fails to account for $22 million

City Hall’s official tally of NYPD lawsuit settlements is woefully incomplete — and fails to account for $22 million in deals struck during the first three months of this year...

City appeals ruling to block 14th Street car ban

The city is appealing a court order blocking its plan to ban cars from sections of 14th Street in Manhattan. The city's Law Department filed an appeal to Judge Eileen...