jonathan gruber

Jonathan Gruber & the perils of 'tortured' laws

The White House is still sticking by President Obama’s claim that MIT economist Jonathan Gruber was merely “some adviser who never worked on our staff,” rather than a key architect...

Liberal dream of single-payer health care dies in Vermont

The problem with ObamaCare, liberals argue, is that it didn’t go far enough — we should have an entirely government-run health-care system. As former Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin put it...

Hey GQ, can't find any crazy Democrats? Here are 16

In a survey of the “Craziest Politicians of 2014,” GQ had difficulty locating any Democrats. Seventeen out of 20 on the list were Republicans, with the only liberals being Texas...

Jonathan Gruber, the arrogant, profiteering liar of the year

Jonathan Gruber should have been Time’s Person of the Year. The magazine gave it to the “Ebola Fighters” instead. Good for them; they’re doing God’s work. Still, Gruber would’ve been...

2014 is the Year of the Liberal Lie

Bowe Bergdahl. The IRS’s missing e-mails. Lena Dunham. “Hands up, don’t shoot.” Jonathan Gruber. GM and that faulty ignition switch. Andrew Cuomo and that anti-corruption commission. The Secret Service and...

Exposing deceit as he ‘humbly’ begs our pardon

Modesty does not become Jonathan Gruber, the man who both helped conceive (in 2009) and unmask (in 2014) ObamaCare. Gruber tried to eat humble pie Tues­day as he appeared before...

ObamaCare consultant apologizes for gaffe in House hearing

WASHINGTON — Embattled consultant Jonathan Gruber said Tuesday that his own “inexcusable arrogance” led him to insult the American people as dummies who could be manipulated to get ObamaCare enacted....

ObamaCare architect set to face Congress

WASHINGTON — ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber faces intense grilling in Congress next month for saying the “stupidity” of American voters was critical to the passage of the national health plan....

ObamaCare's vast tissue of lies

I understand we’ve turned the page to the next controversy — Obama’s unconstitutional immigration pander — but I’d like to dwell a little longer on the previous travesty. Obama administration...

Obama praised 'bright ideas' of health-care architect who called voters stupid WASHINGTON — The videos Democrats never wanted to see keep coming. A day after President Obama tried to distance himself from a top health-care architect who said voter “stupidity”...

Caught on video --- again

Recently surfaced videos of a key ObamaCare architect, Jonathan Gruber, talking about the deception used to get that law passed have been embarrassing Democrats. Their response? More deception. In the...

The lies that are central to Obama's agenda

Damn Americans. They just don’t see the wisdom of surrendering to experts the power they need to remake the country into a progressive paradise. Sighing with regret, liberals like Jonathan...

ObamaCare architect was paid over $2M for consultation

WASHINGTON — For ObamaCare “architect” Jonathan Gruber, the health law he helped design has been the gift that keeps on giving. Gruber has come under blistering criticism since videos resurfaced...

An honest liberal

The epic search of the Greek philosopher Diogenes for an honest man is finally over. His name is Jonathan Gruber, an MIT economist once known as an intellectual architect of...

Pelosi avoids ObamaCare adviser like the plague

WASHINGTON — Mention the name Jonathan Gruber and watch Democrats run for cover. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader, tried Thursday to distance herself from Gruber, an architect of...

Lies, damned lies...Obamacare

For all the attention Jonathan Gruber is getting for admitting the architects of ObamaCare were banking on “the stupidity of the American voter” and a deliberate “lack of transparency” to...

ObamaCare architect catches heat for calling voters 'stupid'

WASHINGTON — A top architect of ObamaCare is under heavy fire after saying the “stupidity” of the American public was critical to the law’s passage — along with deliberate subterfuges....