john lindsay

How to handle a one night stand according to your zodiac sign

There is an inherent vitality to the one night stand/random hookup, the specific thrill of the impulsive and the illicit, a chance to stand outside of time and fully in...

Farewell Dick Ravitch, city savior who sounded alarms NY should heed

Richard Ravitch was among the last surviving members of a remarkable generation of political and business leaders who steered New York City out of its brushes with bankruptcy in the...

What J. Edgar Hoover & FBI really thought about NYC Mayor John Lindsay

The files not only cover John Lindsay's time working for the DOJ in the mid-1950s, but also his time as Congressman, mayor of New York from 1966 through 1973, and...

De Blasio's free-wheeling a ticking time bomb for NYC

My earlier comparisons of Bill de Blasio to John V. Lindsay did not do justice to the Putz’s commitment to bad ideas. Although Mayor Lindsay had an aide named Mitchell...

De Blasio is just like John Lindsay -- and it's not a compliment

As fate would have it, the poll showing Mayor de Blasio’s lowest approval ratings ever arrived Monday, the 50th anniversary of John V. Lindsay’s election. The timing could be a...

Weather Underground bomber unmasked — as city schoolteacher

The “bomb guru” for the terrorist group the Weather Underground never served a day in jail — but he did spend decades teaching in New York City classrooms, a new...

Political guru David Garth dies

Powerhouse political consultant David Garth, who helped four of the city’s mayors get elected, has died at the age of 84. A longtime friend and colleague, George Arzt, said Garth...

Likeness is Lindsane

Because Bill de Blasio cut his political teeth under David Dinkins, there is an assumption among both critics and supporters that his administration will be a clone of Dinkins’. But...

Lindsay's third term

How sad that policies that do nothing to help the neediest and most vulnerable members of society are called “progressive,” even as they march us back to the kind of...

Bill de Blasio & ‘Death Wish’ NY

The new mayor is a Red Sox fan. According to the rules of the New York I grew up in, I’d expect to see the Hudson turn into a river...