john kasich

Indiana voters could decide the GOP primary

INDIANAPOLIS — Voters in Indiana are in the spotlight in a big way. That's because the delegate math going into Tuesday's primary means Indiana represents one of U.S. Sen. Ted...

'It's over': Trump eyes Indiana after Cruz slides in polls

WASHINGTON -- Despite pinning his presidential hopes on Indiana, Ted Cruz is down 15 points in that state, a new poll revealed Sunday. The NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll shows...

Trump after crushing rivals: 'It's over'

Donald Trump decimated his Republican presidential rivals Tuesday night with a clean sweep of five Northeastern states. It was an easy — and early — victory for the billionaire businessman,...

Ted Cruz is crumbling before our very eyes

For the past few weeks, Republican campaign professionals and conservatives who are seeing the GOP nomination heading into Donald Trump’s hands have been counseling anti-Trump voters not to panic and...

Trump, Clinton get closer to November showdown

PHILADELPHIA — In a front-runner's rout, Republican Donald Trump roared to victory Tuesday in five contests across the Northeast and confidently declared himself the GOP's "presumptive nominee." Hillary Clinton was...

Trump looking to sweep Tuesday contests

WEST CHESTER, Pa. — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump hoped for decisive wins in the five northeastern states voting on Tuesday as he worked to maintain a tenuous pathway to...

Cruz and Kasich's apps are incredibly vulnerable to hackers

WASHINGTON — Another computer security firm raised concerns Monday about the potential for hackers to glean users' personal data from phone apps released by the campaigns of Republican presidential contenders...

Is Marco Rubio the key to Donald Trump's demise?

Donald Trump could face a stiffer challenge securing 1,237 delegates to win the GOP presidential nomination and avoid a brokered convention because forces close to Marco Rubio are involved in...

Trump attacks Kasich's 'disgusting' eating habits

Donald Trump opened an odd line of attack Monday on John Kasich’s eating habits. Trump labeled as “disgusting” the Ohio governor’s scarfing down of sandwiches, desserts and just about anything...

Cruz and Kasich's 'Hail Mary' proves they have no plan to win

The Ted Cruz-John Kasich plan to tag-team Donald Trump is a desperation move — showing that both camps know Trump is solidly on track to the GOP nomination. The plan...

Cruz and Kasich unite to take down Donald Trump

Ted Cruz and John Kasich have joined forces in a concerted effort to deny Donald Trump the delegates needed to win the Republican presidential nomination on the first ballot at...

Resign yourself to the depressing reality: It's going to be Trump vs. Clinton

We New Yorkers were excited by the fact that for the first time in 24 years (on the Democratic side) or the first time ever (on the Republican side), our...

Hillary, Trump look for wins on home turf in New York

NEW YORK — Hillary Clinton looked to her adopted home state of New York for a convincing primary victory Tuesday to strengthen her claim to the Democratic presidential nomination, while...

New Yorkers craving Mexican food are also feeling the Bern'

Chew on this — your diet reflects your politics. Google Trends number crunchers compared searches for presidential candidates — including Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton — with the...

New York voters hold the key to Hillary, Trump nominations

It has been a challenging month for both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, as neither has won since March 22. It’s not enough for them to win the New York...

Kasich's pizza blunder may have been a cry for attention

WASHINGTON — John Kasich tried to put a fork in critics who say he doesn't know how to eat a slice of pizza. The Ohio governor hinted Sunday the only...

You're crazy if you think Hillary is our only option

It happens at the best events — a speaker tries to break the ice with a joke about Donald Trump. After a dig about Trump’s hair or personality, often spiced...

Trump: I want to be builder-in-chief Donald Trump said he wants to be the nation’s builder-in-chief after regaling New York Republicans Thursday night with stories about his major Big Apple construction projects — including the...

Trump's lead narrows: poll

Donald Trump holds a shrinking — but still double-digit — national lead over primary pursuer Ted Cruz, a new poll revealed on Thursday. Trump has the support of 42 percent...

Kasich warns of rivals' ‘dark’ side

John Kasich on Tuesday accused his Republican rivals of leading America down a “path of darkness,” during a Midtown speech in which he urged voters to take a “higher path”...