john boehner

10 years later, Obama's 'phone-and-pen' shtick is becoming a dangerous White House habit

Ten years ago this week, with his��legislative agenda stalled in Congress, Barack Obama created a new way to pursue his policies.

House Republicans are turning potential glory days into a 'clown show' with gov't shutdown looming

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy briefs reporters following a closed-door Republican Conference meeting on how to agree on a path to funding the government.

Ex-Speaker Boehner cries at unveiling of Pelosi's official portrait

​Former House Speaker John Boehner, ​famed for his tan, love of wine and ability to cry spontaneously, lived up to the billing when he had to choke back sobs during...

How Republicans can make the best of their microscopic House majority

Now, House Republicans will have a microscopic majority in a Washington still arrayed against them, even if Kevin McCarthy becomes speaker of the House.

John Boehner accused of stealing data, talking points from marijuana lobbyist

John Boehner backed out of a deal to join a marijuana lobbying group -- but only after he allegedly stole its data and talking points to form another, pro-weed lobbying...

Bill Maher Calls For Democrats To Be More Promiscuous Since "That's Our Thing" On 'Real Time'

“We need to restore the natural order of things," insisted Maher. "I don’t want to live in a world where liberals are the uptight ones and conservatives do drugs and...

Clueless GOP elites want to turn the clock back to 2007 on immigration

It’s not 2007 again. But apparently no one has told George W. Bush. To coincide with the release of a book of his paintings of immigrants, “Out of Many, One,”...

John Boehner Blasts President Trump as "Unemployed" on 'The View'

I guess it's better than calling Ted Cruz "Lucifer incarnate."

Ex-House speaker drops explicit message for Ted Cruz in his audiobook

Former House Speaker John Boehner reportedly rants that Sen. Ted Cruz should "go f--k" himself in the audiobook version of his memoir, a spokesman has revealed. Boehner (R-Ohio) is promoting...

John Boehner reveals wild front cover of new tell-all book

Former House Speaker John Boehner is the latest Washington DC luminary with a tell-all book deal — and the cover art alone is worth the purchase price.

Ex-Speaker of the House John Boehner writing a memoir

The tome, “Notes From a Smoke-Filled Room,” will tout the pol’s old-school style, we hear.

John Boehner has budding interest in marijuana legalization

John Boehner has a new take on marijuana — and it’s way more chilled out than it used to be. The former House speaker — who for years huffed and...

Boehner slams Republicans in an f-bomb-filled interview

Ex-House Speaker John Boehner has dished about his Republican former pals in Congress, calling one “an idiot,” another “a terrorist” — and telling a lawmaker who was holding a 10-inch...

Boehner: Trump's term has been a 'complete disaster'

WASHINGTON — Former House Speaker John Boehner says that aside from international affairs and foreign policy, President Donald Trump’s time in office has so far been a “complete disaster.” Speaking...

These are the most memorable quotes of 2016

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Donald Trump's boast on the campaign trail that he could shoot somebody and not lose any voters tops a Yale Law School librarian's list of the...

John Boehner calls Ted Cruz 'Lucifer in the flesh'

Former House Speaker John Boehner unleashed a hellish attack on his fellow Republican Ted Cruz in an interview published Thursday — branding him “Lucifer in the flesh” and a “miserable...

John Boehner: Paul Ryan for president

Former House Speaker John Boehner said Wednesday he’d support his successor, Paul Ryan, for president if Republicans can't agree on a nominee at the party's convention in July. “They all...

Republicans elect Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House

WASHINGTON — Republicans rallied behind Rep. Paul Ryan to elect him the House's 54th speaker on Thursday as a splintered GOP turned to the youthful but battle-tested lawmaker to mend...

House selects Paul Ryan as speaker — vote will seal his fate

WASHINGTON — House Republicans selected Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as their choice to replace John Boehner as House speaker Wednesday — and the nominee immediately blasted his party for a...

House Republican leaders reach budget deal with White House

WASHINGTON — House Republican leaders struck a budget deal made with the White House just before midnight Monday aimed at averting a government shutdown and forestalling a debt crisis. Speaker...