jimmy carter

Politicians keeping classified records decades-old problem dating back to Jimmy Carter

​The problem of mishandling classified documents, which has ensnared the Biden and Trump administrations, is one that dates back decades to Jimmy Carter's presidency. ​

Former President Jimmy Carter celebrates 98th birthday

Former President Jimmy Carter turned 98 on Saturday.

Why America seems destined for stagflation

Welcome (back) to stagflation — a nasty combo that last hit under President Jimmy Carter, back when Joe Biden was a young senator.

'God bless you, my dear friend': Joe Biden eulogizes former VP Mondale

President Biden memorialized his "dear friend" former Vice President Walter Mondale as "one of the great giants in American history" during a service on May 1, 2022.

Stagflation is staring Biden in the face — but he refuses to change course

First we were told inflation was imaginary. Then we were told it was “transitory,” the result of a COVID-inflicted supply-chain. Then we were told it was Putin’s fault. 

'Jimmy Carter 2.0': Harris channels former prez, blames American 'malaise' for Biden's woes

Critics quickly seized on the comment, which harked back to Carter's so-called "malaise speech" of July 1979 -- a disastrous address that blamed Americans the economic woes.

Jimmy Carter hailed as 'action' hero for stopping nuclear meltdown at 28

A viral Twitter thread is reminding the world that the 39th US President James Earl Carter Jr., now 97, actually rescued Ontario from nuclear destruction on Dec. 12, 1952.

Inflation: A dagger aimed at Democrats — and the Biden presidency

The country is facing its biggest annual increase in more than 30 years with prices increasing 6.2 percent.

Welcome back to '70s-style stagflation misery, thanks to Uncle Joe

Make no mistake, the inflation genie is already out of the bottle. But if Congress adds fuel to the fire with trillions in more spending, then the ’70s will be a...

Joe Biden is making even Jimmy Carter look good

“The worst president since Jimmy Carter.” You see a lot of that sort of thing if you regularly read conservative commentary, as I do. But as a conservative writer, I...

This is Joe Biden's Jimmy Carter moment

The utterly nauseating and unnecessary abandonment of Afghanistan to its fate recalls a similar humiliation at the hands of Islamist radicals in the Jimmy Carter administration.  President Biden’s profligate spending...

Jimmy Carter and wife Rosalynn celebrate 75th anniversary

The young midshipman needed a date one evening while he was home from the US Naval Academy, so his younger sister paired him with a family friend who already had...

Joe Biden is proving even more of a 'master of disaster' than Jimmy Carter

With long lines at the pump, slowing growth and rising inflation, it’s looking like the Jimmy Carter era — except that it took Carter years to produce the disasters that...

Trump likens Biden to Carter, citing gas crisis and Israel-Palestinian conflict

Former President Donald Trump is comparing President Biden to Former President Jimmy Carter due to the recent gas shortage and tensions between Israel and Palestine.

Letters to the Editor — May 9, 2021

New York Post readers weigh in on our recent coverage of COVID uncertainty; distrust in big biz; misleading masks; court hypocrisy and celebrating moms. 

James and the giant Bidens: Awkward photo baffles internet

The picture of the meeting of the two presidents caught the eye of critics because it was taken with a wide angle lens, distorting the frame.

Bidens meet with Carters as White House denies Jimmy health concern

President Biden on Thursday met with former President Jimmy Carter at his home in southern Georgia as the White House denied the stop was made because Carter's health is failing....

Biden to meet with Jimmy Carter, 96, during Georgia trip

The president will also be hosting a drive-in rally during his trip to the Peach State.

Former Vice President Walter Mondale dead at 93

Walter Mondale, who served as vice president under Jimmy Carter and was the Democratic nominee for president in 1984, died Monday in Minneapolis, a family spokesperson said. He was 93....

Jimmy Carter and wife go back to church after getting COVID vaccine

PLAINS, Ga. — Now that former President Jimmy Carter and his wife are vaccinated against COVID-19, they have returned to one of their favorite things: church. Maranatha Baptist Church in...