Javad Zarif

To come back from COVID, NYC needs to tackle crime: Goodwin

Good news in New York — the city that never used to sleep is finally waking up from its COVID freeze. Most capacity restrictions on restaurants, offices, churches, theaters and...

Iranian foreign minister issues mea culpa over leaked John Kerry comments

Iran’s foreign minister issued a public mea culpa to the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Sunday.

Pompeo demands Kerry explain his talks with Iran

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said John Kerry needs to come clean about his discussions with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, and three House Republicans are calling on...

Republicans call for probe into Kerry over comments about Israel strikes

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, in a leaked interview, said he received critical intelligence from Kerry about the Israeli strikes.

Iran admits who's in charge — and it's not the ones that talk to Team Biden

A leaked audiotape confirms to the world what Iran watchers have always known: Politicians, including its president, aren’t in charge of that country — the "supreme leader" and his Islamic...

​Iran's foreign minister said Kerry kept in touch with him during Trump years

"It was former US Foreign Secretary John Kerry who told me Israel had launched more than 200 attacks on Iranian forces in Syria," he said.

Iranian minister alleges 'Israeli role' in killing of nuclear scientist

"Terrorists murdered an eminent Iranian scientist today," Javad Zarif tweeted.

Iranian foreign minister: No more prisoner swaps

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Tuesday that there would be no more talks about prisoner exchanges with the US following the killing of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani. At...

Iran minister says US denied him visa out of 'fear'

Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said the US declined his request for a visa so he could travel to New York and attend a United Nations Security Council.

Iran calls Trump 'terrorist in a suit' for killing Soleimani

Iran called President Trump a "terrorist in a suit" and warned that the commander-in-chief's threat to target Iranian cultural sites if Tehran retaliates for the killing of a top military...

Trump has 'no intention' of meeting with Iranian leader at UN

​President Trump on Sunday said he has "no intention" of meeting with Iranian officials when world leaders gather at the United Nations this week. ​ ​"Nothing is ever off the...

Netanyahu says Iran destroyed site used to develop nuclear weapons

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu charged Tuesday that Iran had destroyed a remote site that was used to conduct “experiments to develop nuclear weapons” after Israel learned of its existence....

Iran says there will be no talks unless US lifts sanctions

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran’s supreme leader will not meet US President Donald Trump unless Washington halts its “economic terrorism” that has hurt...

Top Iranian official shows up at G-7 summit — at France's invitation

​WASHINGTON - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif made a surprise trip to the G-7 in France ​on ​Sunday. A top French official told the Associated Press that French President...

Iranian minister accuses US of inflaming tensions in Persian Gulf

​Iran's foreign minister on Monday blamed the US for turning the Persian Gulf into a "matchbox ready to ignite" by bolstering its military presence in the region and selling arms...

Trump’s foreign policy only creates crises for fictions establishment loves

On the first night of this week’s Democratic debate, one of the hopelessly interchangeable moderates accused the Trump administration of “lurching from one international crisis to another.” Since that’s the...

Iran calls US sanctions against its foreign minister 'childish'

Iran called the Trump administration's slapping of economic sanctions on the country's foreign minister "childish" and said they create another obstacle to finding a diplomatic resolution to the escalating tensions...

Iran rejects Mike Pompeo's offer to visit as a 'hypocritical gesture'

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran has dismissed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's offer to visit and address the Iranian people as a "hypocritical gesture." "You don't need to come to Iran,"...

How is this not colluding with America's enemies?

Imagine, for a moment, what the political reaction would be if a leading Republican senator met with an antagonistic foreign power, say Russia, in the midst of high-tension standoff between...

Iran's trying to cover up its internal crisis

For the Iranian regime, the internal scrambling started in the middle of the night Monday, just moments after its foreign minister, Javad “Smiley” Zarif, posted a curious resignation announcement on...