james mattis

Trump reportedly considering Jim Webb for Defense secretary

President Trump is considering naming Jim Webb, a former Democratic senator who served as President Ronald Reagan's secretary of the Navy, his next Defense secretary, according to a report on...

Patrick Shanahan issues first memo as acting defense secretary

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan took up the reins of the US armed forces Tuesday by praising his predecessor, newly ousted Jim Mattis, and seeking to reassure the country that...

James Mattis' farewell message to Defense Department workers

Defense Secretary James Mattis, in his farewell message, encouraged all Defense Department employees to "keep the faith and hold fast" during difficult times. "Our Department's leadership, civilian and military, remains...

Trump: Anyone else would be 'national hero' for pulling out of Syria

President Trump defended his decision to remove US troops from Syria, blasted "failed Generals" for criticizing him and claimed that if anybody other than he took the same action, they...

Mattis sends final message to troops as defense secretary

James Mattis wished a merry Christmas “to all you lads and lasses holding the line in 2018” in what was likely his final message to America’s troops as defense secretary....

Trump fires off 2018 naughty list: Mattis, Democrats and Federal Reserve

'Twas the day before Christmas and President Trump was stirring on Twitter, addressing a litany of issues including his demand for a border wall that led to a partial government...

Bloomberg: Trump's presidency is 'recklessly emotional and senselessly chaotic'

Michael Bloomberg, who is considering making a White House run in 2020, gave a brutal assessment of President Trump's first two years in office on Sunday, blasting the Syrian troop...

GOP senators at odds over Trump's Syria decision

Republican senators sparred on Sunday over President Trump's abrupt announcement that he will pull US troops from Syria - a decision that resulted in Defense Secretary James Mattis resigning in...

Trump says he will replace James Mattis on January 1

President Trump announced in a tweet on Sunday that Defense Secretary James Mattis will leave the administration at the first of the year instead of at the end of February...

Don't expect Trump to stop being Trump in 2019

So the border remains open while the government shuts down. And the Mideast will have to fight its bloody wars without the sacrifice of more American soldiers. Those two facts...

US envoy in ISIS fight resigns in protest of Syria withdrawal

The Trump administration’s leading ISIS expert announced his resignation Saturday amid an uproar within US defense and diplomatic circles over President Trump’s policy toward Syria and Afghanistan. Brett McGurk, special...

Don't ignore the warnings in Gen. Mattis' resignation letter

Defenders of President Trump have long argued that his worst impulses can and will be tempered by the good men and women in his administration. And when they listed the...

Mattis quit for the same reasons he served and other commentary

Security desk: Mattis Always Understood Trump Defects The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, recalling his spring 2016 interviews with Gen. James Mattis, says the future defense secretary “understood from the beginning” the...

Trump boasts about his toughness in apparent response to Mattis' rebuke

A day after Defense Secretary Jim Mattis issued a stinging rebuke of President Trump’s military and foreign policies, the commander-in-chief took to Twitter on Friday to boast about how tough...

US allies express concern over Mattis' departure

Key US allies expressed deep concerns Friday about Defense Secretary James Mattis’ announcement that he will step down amid policy disagreements with President Trump, including his decision to withdraw all...

Mattis reportedly quit after Trump refused to reverse Syria decision

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis made a last-ditch effort on Thursday to convince President Trump to keep US troops in Syria -- and when Trump rebuffed him, the four-star general resigned,...

Defense Secretary James Mattis quits

Defense Secretary James Mattis, who strongly opposed President Trump’s abrupt decision to yank US troops from Syria, will leave office at the end of February, the commander-in-chief announced Thursday. “General...

Mattis: Putin tried to meddle in the midterm elections

Secretary of Defense James Mattis said Saturday he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin again tried to meddle in U.S. elections. “There is no doubt the relationship has worsened,” Mattis said...

Mattis: US doesn't have 'smoking gun' connecting Saudi prince to Khashoggi murder

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday said the US doesn't have a "smoking gun" connecting Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi...

Mattis says troops at US border 'not even carrying guns'

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has a message for those worried about US troops using lethal force at the border. "They're not even carrying guns -- so just relax," Mattis explained,...