james mattis

Ex-Defense Secretary Mattis testifies he was misled by Elizabeth Holmes, invested $85K into Theranos

Former US Secretary of Defense James Mattis testified that Elizabeth Holmes misled him into believing she was on the verge of a breakthrough that he hoped would help save lives...

Elizabeth Holmes' taste for travel, celebrity admissible evidence in Theranos trial

The former CEO is accused of making misleading claims about her company's technology.

Liz Cheney bombshell: Pal says on-the-outs GOP leader planned defense secretaries' anti-Trump op-ed

House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) — who is facing possible ouster from her leadership position next week — quietly orchestrated a Washington Post op-ed by 10 living former...

Mattis urges Biden: End Trump's 'America first' policy

Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is urging Joe Biden to dump President Trump's "America First" foreign policy for a more "cooperative" approach with the country's allies around the globe.

'Disgruntled employees': Sarah Sanders brushes off Trump detractors

Former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders dismissed a recent string of scathing accounts from ex-administration officials lambasting President Trump, calling them "disgruntled employees."

Bill Barr says he didn't give order to disperse White House protesters

Bill Barr said he did not give the order to disperse protesters from a park outside the White House Monday, deepening the mystery of who exactly made the controversial call....

Trump lashes out at James Mattis, John Kelly

President Trump lashed out at former Defense Secretary James Mattis for a second night Thursday on Twitter -- and also blasted his former Chief of Staff John Kelly for coming...

Trump says he had the 'honor' of firing James Mattis

President Trump blasted former Defense Secretary James Mattis Wednesday night, saying he had the "honor" of firing him hours after the general accused the president of abusing his power. Trump...

James Mattis accuses Trump of abusing his powers in an op-ed

WASHINGTON -- Former Defense Secretary James Mattis unloaded on President Trump in an opinion piece, accusing him of abusing the powers of his office and of trying to divide the...

Desperate Marine tried to woo woman with fake email from Jim Mattis

A lovesick US Marine once tried to woo a fellow service member by “hacking” Maj. Gen. Jim Mattis' computer and sending her a glowing email from his account.

James Mattis aide denies being writer behind anonymous book about Trump

A top aide to former Defense Secretary James Mattis denied he authored the anonymous op-ed in The New York Times ripping the Trump administration and its corresponding book, “A Warning.”...

Writer thinks he's uncovered 'Anonymous' anti-Trump op-ed writer

A former speechwriter for President Bill Clinton said he believes the anonymous writer of a scathing New York Times op-ed and tell-all book about the Trump administration is the chief...

Mattis: 'I'm the Meryl Streep of generals'

Former Defense Secretary James "Mad Dog" Mattis joked Thursday that he's the "Meryl Streep of generals" while making light of criticism reportedly lobbed at him by President Trump. The four-star...

Trump calls ex-Defense Secretary James Mattis 'world's most overrated general'

President Trump ripped former Defense Secretary James Mattis as "the world's most overrated general" on Wednesday during a White House sit-down on Syria with congressional leaders, sources told The Post....

Former Defense Secretary Mattis says ISIS could 'resurge' in Syria

Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said the Islamic State has not been defeated and could "resurge" if military pressure eases on the terror group because of the fighting in Syria...

Media ignores Mattis’ hit on Obama

From the right: Media Ignores Mattis’ Hit on Obama Press coverage of Gen. James Mattis’ new memoir, “Call Sign Chaos,” has mostly dealt with the former defense secretary’s relations with...

Ex-Defense Secretary James Mattis warns US 'cannot go it alone'

James Mattis said he “did as well as I could, for as long as I could” as President Trump’s first secretary of Defense, but added that he resigned over worries...

Ex-Marine who blew up Bronx neighbor's car gets 10 years

A former Marine who once provided security for Gen. James “Mad Dog" Mattis landed 10 years behind bars Wednesday on charges that included blowing up his Bronx neighbor’s car as...

US planning to keep 1,000 troops in Syria despite Trump's withdrawal call

The US military is readying plans to keep 1,000 American troops in Syria — a development that comes three months after President Trump announced he wanted a full withdrawal, according...

Trump slams intel chiefs, says he doesn't have to agree with them

WASHINGTON – President Trump continued to cast doubt on his intelligence chiefs and said he doesn’t have to listen to his hand-picked aides. “I have intel people, but that doesn't...