
The spy who was a gay porn actor-turned-Islamist mole

A German spy arrested for allegedly offering to help Islamic militants to bomb offices of the country’s intelligence agency was a onetime gay porn actor who secretly converted to Islam...

Turkey's sad death signals more chaos in the Middle East

The failed coup d’état by elements of Turkey’s military signals more repression and chaos in the Middle East. We still lack important information on what motivated the attempt to overthrow...

Hey TV -- we're tired of seeing death every day

After every devastating terrorist attack, the information on what happened comes in waves. The location, the rumored death toll, the identity of the attacker are all part of the first...

Top imam says beating wives is the only way to control them

A leading Pakistani cleric has provided male followers with a step-by-step guide to controlling their women - with a “light beating” suggested at the end of the process for problem...

LGBT-magazine editor hacked to death in Bangladesh

DHAKA, Bangladesh — Suspected Islamist militants hacked to death two people, including an editor of a transgender magazine, in the Bangladeshi capital on Monday, police said. The attack came two...

Islamist rebels capture Syrian fighter pilot

Islamist rebels downed a Syrian fighter jet and captured its pilot Tuesday south of Aleppo where insurgents are fighting the Syrian army and allied militias. The pilot was seen on...

Radical Islamist charged with shooting two NYPD cops

A Brooklyn man accused of shooting and wounding two cops in the name of radical Islam was indicted Thursday for first degree attempted murder of a police officer, attempted aggravated...

We should have listened to this blind old Bulgarian lady about ISIS

A blind mystic who reportedly foretold 9/11, the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, the Fukushima nuclear spill and the birth of ISIS also made dire predictions for 2016 and beyond. Bulgaria-born...

Train gunman watched jihadi video before attack

PARIS -- Minutes before he slung an assault rifle across his chest and walked through a high-speed train, the Moroccan suspect in the foiled attack watched a jihadi video on...

Philippines' most wanted terrorist killed by his own bodyguards

The Philippines' most wanted Islamist militant, whose death over the weekend could boost peace efforts in the country's south, was killed by his own bodyguards in pursuit of a bounty...

Cops and Islamists

It’s never a good sign when a public official offers a silly excuse for some unwise action. But it’s especially troubling when the official in question is the NYPD’s top...

Islamists without borders

The thought of ISIS terrorists in Europe, as officials now believe is the case, and the re-release of an Islamic State video calling for Muslims to murder Western police officers...

Countering jihadis with US teach-ins

Talk about bringing a knife to a gun fight: As Islamists lure new followers to their side by killing, the Obama administration plans to counter them with...teach-ins, more or less....

Helpless in Peshawar

­Thanks for the scoop, Al Jazeera. The Qatar-based news channel informs us that the barbaric attack on a school by Pakistan’s Taliban “sent shockwaves across the world.” Certainly it was...

To stop the next US beheading

The signs were all there, glaring, waiting to be seen. The predisposition to violence, time spent in prison, emotionally unstable Web postings. Alton Nolen, the alleged perp in last week’s...

Britain makes 9 arrests in Islamist crackdown

British police arrested nine men as part of an operation into Islamist-related militancy on Thursday, with media reporting the country's most high-profile radical Muslim preacher was among those held. Britain...

Anti-Islamic group will run ads on MTA buses next week

A controversial anti-Islamic group said Thursday it will run incendiary ads on MTA buses next week, which include an image of Hitler and of beheaded US journalist James Foley, in...

Islamist militants party in pool at US Embassy compound in Libya

TRIPOLI, Libya — An Islamist-allied militia group "secured" a U.S. Embassy residential compound in Libya's capital, more than a month after American personnel evacuated from the country over ongoing fighting,...

Egypt blames Islamists for four beheaded corpses

CAIRO — Four beheaded corpses were found by residents of a town in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula on Wednesday, security sources said, blaming Islamist militants waging an insurgency against Cairo. The security...

Beyond terrorism: ISIS and other enemies of humanity

After a long slumber spent in denial, the UN Security Council has decided to do “something” about the forces of neo-Islam now on the rampage in more than a dozen...