iran deal

How Iran is growing rich despite its status as a pariah nation

Governments that achieve international pariah status typically face significant economic distress, eventually acquiescing to the demands of their own people or falling in an acrimonious overthrow.  But the Islamic Republic...

House advances bid to nix salary for disgraced ex-Iran envoy Rob Malley

House lawmakers voted on a bipartisan basis Thursday to move forward with a measure that would bar disgraced ex-Iran special envoy Rob Malley from receiving a State Department salary.

John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators

Former Secretary of State John Kerry used a pseudonymous email — just like former Vice President Joe Biden and Kerry's predecessor Hillary Clinton — while working for the Obama administration,...

Biden admin urges UK, France not to censure Iran over growing nuclear program

The White House is begging Britain and France not to formally rebuke Iran over the theocracy's growing nuclear program.

Hooray for Israel! Now Biden should back Israel's response vs. Iran — no ifs, ands or buts

Israel, with the help of allies, took out 99% of the 300-plus attack drones, cruise and ballistic missiles Iran fired at it over the weekend. It's a stunning victory!

Israel & America need a Queen Esther endgame in Iran — empowering dissidents

Jerusalem, undoubtedly, will strike back at Tehran. It likely will be big, loud and intended to reestablish Israeli deterrence in the Mideast. But it must come with an endgame.

House GOP demands John Kerry discloses details of his ‘shadow diplomacy’ with Iran during Trump presidency

House Republicans are demanding former special presidential climate envoy John Kerry disclose details about his “shadow diplomacy” with Iran during the Trump administration — warning that his actions may have...

Iran's historically low election turnout should spell the end of the regime

Friday’s elections for Iran’s Parliament and Assembly of Experts sent a shot heard ’round the world, with voters staying home in record numbers in defiance of the regime’s calls to...

With Tehran closer to nukes, Congress must end Biden’s Iran appeasement before it’s too late 

President Biden’s three years of appeasing Iran has brought the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism closer than ever to developing a nuclear weapon. 

Iran declares war on US in Red Sea (and beyond) — as Biden does nothing

President Biden refuses to face the fact that Tehran will blow up the world to obtain regional hegemony.

Joe Biden poured the gasoline, now our enemies are burning the Middle East

Most worrisome: Iran is on the cusp of nuclear breakout. 

Iran’s nuclear breakout: ’Twas the night before Armageddon

It remains far too quiet at the White House this Christmas. Iran alarmingly is on the cusp of building a nuclear bomb and the Biden administration appears oblivious that we...

George Soros funneled more than $50M to Iran-sympathizer groups linked to Robert Malley

Billionaire George Soros has funneled more than $50 million since 2016 to a network of Iran sympathizer groups whose members have gained significant sway within the Biden White House, according...

Meet the Israel-haters at the top of Biden's pro-Iran government

Amy McFadden, an intelligence officer responsible for overseeing production of the President’s Daily Brief, shared Palestinian propaganda on her Facebook page 2 weeks after the Black Sabbath massacre.

Fresh evidence of anti-Israel bias at State Dept. that Biden and Obama enflamed

100-plus staffers at State and US Agency for International Aid signing a memo blasting Biden for “spreading misinformation” on the Israel-Hamas war claim Israel is holding Palestinian “hostages.”

Biden must reverse course on letting Iran sanctions lapse — or watch weapons pour into Gaza and Russia

Washington and its European allies just declined to prevent the expiration of UN missile and drone penalties against Iran

Chuck Schumer has failed his fellow Jews in curbing antisemitism

Sen. Chuck Schumer has failed to stop antisemitism from growing, despite his frequent invocations of his Jewish identity.

Top Iranian Pentagon aide keeps security clearance despite 'spying for Tehran' accusation

An Iranian-born Pentagon official is to keep her top-level security clearance despite being named as part of a covert influence campaign run by Tehran -- and being called a "spy."

It's time for Joe Biden to stand up to Iran — the root of Mideast evil

Joe Biden must stand up to Iran, hold it accountable, end nuclear talks and respond to its threats with threats of his own as he visits the Middle East this...

Hiking prescription costs, lefty Muslim-Brotherhood dupes and other commentary

Over 15,000 people have signed a petition to oust Columbia University professor Joseph Massad for penning an online article claiming the Hamas assault was a stunning victory.