iowa caucus

New Hampshire primary exit polls show voters strongly backing Trump on immigration, economy

Republican primary and caucus voters in both New Hampshire and Iowa were similarly aligned in handing former President Donald Trump two victories in the leadoff nominating contests, exit polls show.

Biden douses cold water on Trump's blowout win, doesn't 'think Iowa means anything'

"I don’t think Iowa means anything. The President got 50-some-thousand votes -- the lowest number of votes anybody who’s won got," Biden chided to reporters Thursday.

White House apologizes to Asa Hutchinson after DNC brutally mocks failed presidential bid

The White House apologized to former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Wednesday after the Democratic National Committee brutally dismissed his failed presidential campaign.

Sen. Ted Cruz endorses Trump after ‘dominating victory’ in Iowa: ‘This race is over’ 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) threw his support behind Donald Trump on Tuesday, endorsing the former president’s 2024 White House run and declaring the Republican primary race “over.”

DeSantis blasts Trump, Haley for refusing to debate: ‘I’m the only one not running a basement campaign’ 

“We have four candidates for president now — Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and me. I'm the only one who's not running a basement campaign at this point.”

Trump campaigns with Vivek Ramaswamy in NH, tells voters Nikki Haley needs ‘Democrats and liberals to infiltrate’ GOP primary

“You have a group of people coming in that are not Republican, and it’s artificially boosting her numbers here,” Trump, 77, claimed.

It's not over yet: Here's how Trump could still lose the GOP primary

Donald Trump’s renomination as Republican presidential candidate isn’t inevitable, but the opposition’s sense of palpable defeat could make it so.

Trump wins the 2024 Iowa caucus: Letters to the Editor — Jan. 17, 2024

NY Post readers discuss former President Donald Trump’s blowout victory in the Iowa Republican primary caucus.

Ex-Obama strategist warns Biden camp after Trump’s easy Iowa win as VP Harris vows victory: 'Get into gear’

David Axelrod suggested that Biden's team should be "happy" about Trump's blowout victory in Iowa Monday evening because it makes it obvious whom Biden will face in the general election.

Joy Reid accuses white Christian Iowa Trump voters of wanting people of color to 'bow down' to them

MSNBC host Joy Reid responded to former President Trump’s victory at the Iowa Caucuses Monday by condemning "White Christians" who support him.

Why Iowa voters still love controversial, scandal-scarred Trump: 'Must be doing something right'

A common thread among Trump's supporters is that they consistently saw the best in him regardless of the criticism tossed his way. They had enormous faith in him and were...

Sub-zero Iowa temperatures yield lowest caucus voter turnout in decades

Arctic conditions led to the lowest turnout in decades for the Iowa Republican caucuses Monday night, with a little more than 110,000 voters casting ballots for their chosen candidate, according...

Iowa caucus dispatch: 'Nothing would stop me coming here to vote for Trump'

INDIANOLA, Iowa -- So much for the cold keeping Iowans from caucusing. Monday night's frosty weather was never going to stop 160 Republicans from cramming into Emerson Elementary School in...

Trump easily wins Iowa caucus in historic landslide, urges unity to 'straighten out death and destruction'

The first contest was no contest. Former President Donald Trump was projected to win the Iowa caucus in a blowout Monday night — confirming his standing as the clear front-runner.

Haley says no more debates without Trump; DeSantis calls her 'afraid' after his second-place finish in Iowa

Follow the Post’s live updates and results from the Iowa Caucus, the first contest of the 2024 Presidential Election.

Can we really trust the 2024 presidential polls? Experts say, 'Yes, but ...'

Despite the hefty skepticism, many pollsters and experts in the industry seem confident that the polls are generally on point if one knows how to analyze them correctly.

Rand Paul wades into GOP primary race with ‘Never Nikki’ Haley initiative

“I wanted to be very very clear that no libertarian or conservative thinks she’s one of us,” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul told The Post Friday.

DeSantis gains 50 new endorsements from pastors, faith leaders days before pivotal Iowa caucus

The religious backing is especially important in Iowa, where strong evangelical support drove Ted Cruz to victory in 2016 over Trump.

Sub-zero temps threaten to upend Iowa caucuses — and what it could mean for Trump as he eyes historic win

The state of Iowa will be more like "Ice Station Zebra" when hardy Republican voters head out to caucus sites Monday evening.

Wild video shows Ron DeSantis' security in NFL-style takedown of climate protester in Iowa

A climate protester was caught in wild video being bum-rushed off stage and tackled to the ground as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis spoke at a presidential campaign event in Iowa.