
Singles are not how Hollywood glamorously depicts them, study finds

Posh parties, glitzy girls’ night outs and weekends spent lounge-hopping around NYC: it’s the exaggerated social life of partnerless people in cutesy rom-coms.

Shy? Loner? Here's how to cope in the workplace if you’re introverted

Employers are beginning to value and understand introverts in the workplace thanks to new research on behavior, according to experts.

Are you the most introverted zodiac sign in all of astrology?

The term introvert comes from the Latin intro and vertere meaning "to turn to the inside." The distinction here is not about whether or not you are capable of being...

What your dessert preference says about your personality: research

If you’re an introvert, chances are your parents “always” or “often” let you eat desserts as a child.

Get happy for the holidays by doing one simple thing

Research has shown that socializing and doing things like talking to strangers in public can help make people feel happier.

Optical illusion can determine if you're an introvert or an extrovert

If you've ever wanted to truly define yourself as an extrovert or an introvert, here is your chance.

Introverts and extroverts enjoy completely different things

If you like sci-fi movies, hate pool parties and watch "The Walking Dead" then chances are you’re an introvert, according to new research. A new study of the socializing behaviors...

Introverts are quietly and effectively taking over the world

A new study has revealed the best bosses aren’t necessarily extroverted, charismatic, confident executives with a perfect track record. In fact, research published in this month’s Harvard Business Review suggests...

Being an introvert in the office may not be a bad thing after all

Getting noticed, speaking up, being visible. Sounds like a winning knockout punch to land the corner office, right? According to a recent EY paper, “Outsmarting Our Brains: Overcoming Hidden Biases...

How Introverts Spend Their Weekend

Sorry, can’t make the party. My stuffed animal friends and I have a big weekend planned. Byeeeee. Featuring the Downtown Girls