internet service providers

Net neutrality push is yet another big-government power-grab by Biden

With the swearing-in of President Biden's nominee Anna Gomez as commissioner last September, the Federal Communications Commission has the numbers to reinstate "net neutrality."

Poor, less white US neighborhoods get worst internet deals

The neighborhoods that offered the worst deals had lower median incomes in nine out of 10 cities in the analysis. In two-thirds of the cities where The Markup had enough...

Leftist FCC nominee Gigi Sohn faces another 'conflict' hurdle

Gigi Sohn’s journey to the Federal Communications Commission has seen more volatility than the Nasdaq. Expect the fireworks to continue this week.

Revenge-porn creeps to have contact info shared with victim

The Internet users who shared a suspected “revenge porn’’ video of a 17-year-old Bronx girl are about to get what they deserve. Their service providers, including Gmail and Yahoo, refused...

These telecom companies promise they won't sell your browsing history

Comcast, AT&T and Verizon promised on Friday not to sell customers’ web browsing histories — even though a congressional resolution this week, soon to become law, would let them do...

Trump likely to sign bill allowing ISPs to sell your browsing data

WASHINGTON — Broadband internet providers like Comcast and Verizon will be able to sell customers' sensitive private information — including browsing histories — under a House resolution passed Tuesday evening....

Americans one step closer to losing control of their browser history

The Senate voted to kill Obama-era online privacy regulations, a first step toward allowing internet providers such as Comcast, AT&T and Verizon to sell your browsing habits and other personal...

FCC won't force Google and Facebook to stop tracking you

WASHINGTON — US regulators rejected an effort on Friday to force Google, Facebook and other popular websites to honor "Do Not Track" requests from users, in a setback for digital...

Comcast identifies online commenter who accused politician of being 'a Sandusky'

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Comcast Cable Communications has given a northern Illinois politician the identity of an Internet service subscriber whose account was used to post an anonymous comment online suggesting...

ISPs fall short on broadband promise: report

Reed Hastings was right: Internet services providers are — by and large — choking broadband speeds, which prevents watching Netflix glitch free. The vast majority of ISPs fell short in...

Netflix to stop publicly shaming Verizon for slow service

Reed Hastings may need to buffer his response. Days after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from Verizon, the Netflix chief indicated that he may back down from his campaign to publicly...

Netflix-Verizon stream war now maelstrom

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings is lying to his customers and enlisting them as “pawns” in his business battles, Verizon said Wednesday in a blistering shot at the video-streaming company. The...

The head of the FCC has trouble communicating

The head of the Federal Communication Commission, Tom Wheeler, is having some trouble with — of all things — communication. In an impassioned speech on Thursday, Wheeler promised a free...

FCC vote threatens net neutrality

US telecommunications regulators on Thursday formally proposed new "net neutrality" rules that may let Internet service providers charge content companies for faster and more reliable delivery of their traffic to...

Worries mount that new FCC rules will send Web down the tubes

There’s a furor over the free Web. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler hit back at widespread criticism on Thursday that his proposed rules for governing Internet traffic will allow...

FCC to create web fast lane, threatening 'net neutrality'

The FCC said Wednesday it would propose new rules that allow Internet service providers to charge companies a premium for access to their fastest lanes on the Internet. The new...

FCC to propose new net neutrality rules in May

U.S. regulators are expected to vote on May 15 on a new set of so-called "net neutrality" rules aimed at making certain that broadband providers do not slow down or...