inside albany

Cuomo's leadership will be tested in upcoming special elections

Former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos’ conviction on eight public corruption charges means that Gov. Cuomo “can’t hide this time’’ when it comes to getting a Democratic elected to the...

Cuomo's pick for mayor has doubts running against De Blasio

U S REP. Hakeem Jeffries, Gov. Cuomo’s choice to oust Mayor de Blasio, is having doubts about entering the race, as Democratic unhappiness over Cuomo’s “belittling’’ of the mayor grows,...

Cuomo abandons dad's legacy with minimum wage claim

Gov. Andrew Cuomo insults the legacy of his late father, liberal icon Mario Cuomo, by claiming that businesses paying the minimum wage “steal’’ $2 billion from taxpayers because their workers...

Schneiderman’s war on fantasy sports will lose him votes

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s legal war on fantasy sports betting “wasn’t very smart’’ and will seriously damage him with New York voters — who until now haven’t known much...

De Blasio-Cuomo feud is Republican ammo for 2016

Mayor de Blasio is so reviled across the state that Senate Republicans are planning to use criticism against Hizzoner to boost their candidates in next year’s campaigns — and they’ll...

Democrats and Republicans actually agree — CNBC debate was a disaster

Even top New York Democrats are describing last week’s CNBC “debate” as a partisan fiasco designed to embarrass the Republican presidential hopefuls and undermine their chances of winning election next...

Republican presidential ticket is a toss up

With no clear front-runner and Donald Trump and Ben Carson continuing to dominate the crowded presidential field, two top New York Republicans predict a brokered convention in Cleveland next summer...

Cuomo's lack of support may lead to Senate candidate's downfall

Gov. Cuomo’s “fantastic’’ candidate in the important Nov. 3 special state Senate election will be “crushed’’ by her Republican opponent because Cuomo reneged on his pledge to go all out...

Cuomo and de Blasio's staffers can't stop bickering

The bitter public feud between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio may have receded with the weekend agreement on a new MTA funding package, but the war between...

Republicans: Cuomo is using Oregon tragedy to promote his own agenda

Republicans are accusing Gov. Cuomo of using the Oregon community-college massacre to boost his own national image and they’re saying if he’s serious about stopping gun crimes, he’ll seek tougher...

CNBC's Larry Kudlow has decided to run for Senate

They just don’t get any respect. The Rodney Dangerfield-like New York Republican Party’s only choice to challenge Sen. Chuck Schumer next year, CNBC economic analyst Larry Kudlow, has indeed decided...

Cuomo personally recruiting candidates to de-throne de Blasio

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who, according to a recent poll, is winning his bitter feud with Mayor Bill de Blasio, is upping the ante by becoming personally involved in recruiting potential...

Is Cuomo trying to run for vice president on Biden's ticket?

Gov. Cuomo’s dream of being president has been dashed for the current election cycle but that doesn’t mean he isn’t angling for the second- most-powerful job in the nation: vice...

New York’s Conservative Party ready to back Trump if need be

New York’s Conservative Party will back Donald Trump if becomes the GOP nominee for president, The Post has learned. Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long said he’ll wait until after the...

Cuomo won't take a stance on Iran deal

Despite saying weeks ago that Sen. Charles Schumer had made a “persuasive case” against President Obama’s Iranian nuclear deal, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has repeatedly refused to say if he’s for...

GOP big shots aren't taking Donald Trump seriously

“It WON’T be Donald Trump.” That was the near-unanimous view of some of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Republicans Saturday night as they gathered for a political briefing at...

Are Biden and Gore trying to undermine Clinton?

Operatives for Vice President Joe Biden and former VP Al Gore have begun contacting top New York Democrats, virtually all of whom have endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton, to see if...

GOP chair: Trump won't be party’s nominee

New York’s top Republican predicted Sunday that Donald Trump won’t be his party’s presidential nominee because of his refusal to rule out a third-party run — as he defended Fox...

DAs meet with Cuomo and Schneiderman on police-involved deaths

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman secretly assured the state’s 62 district attorneys that they are competent to prosecute Eric Garner-type killings by police — even as they...

Republicans ready to take on Cuomo in race to replace Libous

Gov. Andrew Cuomo made a “major tactical blunder’’ last week by vowing to go all out to win the Senate seat left vacant by the conviction of Deputy Majority Leader...