inside albany

Investigation of confidant could be a career-killer for Cuomo

It’s a "devastating turning point" and possibly the "beginning of the end" of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s 30-plus-year political career. That’s the profound impact of US Attorney Preet Bharara’s corruption probe...

De Blasio's imminent demise sparks hunt for a challenger

Gov. Cuomo has renewed his effort to recruit a challenger to Mayor de Blasio next year as the “smell of blood’’ from widening corruption probes has left de Blasio more vulnerable than...

New York Democrats are slow to jump to Hillary's defense

Leading Democrats have not done enough to support Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy in the face of damaging attacks from Bernie Sanders, her New York supporters told The Post. The angry...

New York race may be tighter than expected for Democrats

Leading Democrats privately predict that Hillary Clinton will win a closer-than-originally-expected victory over Bernie Sanders in the April 19 primary — but they’re also conceding that "Clinton exhaustion" could produce...

NY Dems worried black voters will stay home on primary day

Armed with troubling private polling data, top state Democrats are fearful that “complacency’’ by less-than-enthusiastic Hillary Clinton voters will lead to a surprisingly strong showing by Bernie Sanders in New York’s...

Trump supporters shocked by his attack on Cruz’s wife

A wave of pessimism engulfed Donald Trump’s New York supporters over the weekend as key members of his statewide organization expressed shock at his attack on Ted Cruz’s wife and fears...

Cuomo angling to land keynote speaking role at convention

TV commercials for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s high-profile “Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice’’ are aimed at winning the governor the keynote speaking role at the Democratic National Convention in July...

John Flanagan close to $15 minimum wage deal with Cuomo

Republican Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan is close to a “Faustian pact’’ with Democratic Gov. Cuomo to raise the state’s minimum wage to a national high of $15 an hour...

If Trump wins, Cuomo could be out

Donald Trump’s fired-up New York backers predict that a victory by him in November would set the stage for defeating Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2018 — and lead to the...

Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York

Confidential polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose the presidential election in heavily Democratic New York to Donald Trump as the GOP front-runner’s support grows to the point of being...

Cuomo ready to run if Hillary or Bernie doesn't take White House

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has sent the strongest signal yet that he’s ready to run for president if a Democrat fails to win in November, even as top Democrats confide that...

Cuomo's choice for mayor positions bid by backing Hillary

Cuomo's pick for mayor positions bid by backing Hillary US Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, not Mayor de Blasio, has emerged as New York’s best-known defender of Hillary Clinton, in a “bigger...

Legendary NY Republican rips party for not backing Trump

A day before the New Hampshire primary, Donald Trump has won the backing of a legendary New York Republican — who also blasted his own state party’s failure to rally...

Why New York Democrats are rallying for Sanders and Trump

Key New York Democrats, longtime supporters of Hillary Clinton, have begun rooting for both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump in the upcoming New York primaries — in hopes that the national...

A Republican needs to win the general election to secure Cuomo's political future

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s radical shift to the political left over the past few years has been a “cynical and calculated” strategy to position himself to run for president in 2020...

Aid cuts might be Cuomo's downfall as de Blasio prepares to pounce

Gov. Cuomo’s latest assault on Mayor de Blasio — a “humiliating’’ cut in state aid to the city — is prompting predictions that an infuriated de Blasio will reciprocate by...

Cuomo's failure to choose a state chairman is destroying the party

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s failure to choose a new state Democratic chairman has undermined party unity, allowed his war with Mayor Bill de Blasio to worsen and left New York without...

Cuomo is desperate to take down de Blasio in 2017

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has entered his sixth year in office frantically driven to increase his record-low approval ratings, obsessed with defeating Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2017, and “edgily nervous’’...

Political real-estate developer is making sure Trump wins NY

Buffalo real-estate developer Carl Paladino, who upended the Republican establishment in 2010 to win the GOP primary for governor, has organized a statewide effort to make Donald Trump the winner...

The biggest winners and losers in New York politics this year

’Tis the season . . . to name the winners and losers in New York politics in 2015. And while losers have dominated the state political scene for years, nothing...