inside albany

The shady past of Gov. Cuomo's crooked crony

More than a decade before confessing to corruption charges, there were warning signs that lobbyist Todd Howe, a former aide to Gov. Cuomo, was crooked. Howe was fired from a...

Time's ticking in Cuomo's search for de Blasio challenger

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is nearly out of time to find a winning candidate to take on Mayor Bill de Blasio next year, but may settle for a losing contender in...

Clinton’s ‘basket of deplorables’ gaffe stuns both parties

New York Republicans and even some Democrats called Hillary Clinton’s characterization of Donald Trump’s backers as a bigoted “basket of deplorables” a major blunder that will badly damage her already-faltering...

Could Donald Trump win New York in November?

Buoyed by an uptick in national polling, Donald Trump is expected on Wednesday to outline the reasons he still thinks he can win heavily Democratic New York as he accepts...

Trump’s staff says it's ‘full steam ahead’ in New York

Donald Trump’s newly reorganized campaign team has notified its rattled New York operatives that despite a massive gap in the polls, it’s “full steam ahead’’ in Trump’s effort to carry...

Trump’s unpopularity sends Cuomo running from GOP alliance

Gov. Cuomo’s new commitment to Democratic control of the state Senate after years of backing Republicans is a direct result of Donald Trump’s sinking presidential campaign and the possibility it...

Cuomo crony spills for leniency deal in corruption probe

The corruption probe of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s two longtime associates has taken a critical turn with Todd Howe, onetime lobbyist and longtime Cuomo family confidant, signing a “cooperation agreement’’ with...

Dems slam Cuomo for snubbing de Blasio repeatedly at DNC

Prominent state Democrats are accusing Gov. Andrew Cuomo of directly contradicting Hillary Clinton’s message of party unity by bringing his escalating war with Mayor Bill de Blasio to the Democratic...

Dems warn not to underestimate Trump's potential to win

Cocky Democrats gathering in Philadelphia this week are proclaiming that Hillary Clinton will easily defeat Donald Trump in November — but one of their own best-known strategists is ringing the...

Ed Cox almost made Donald Trump really, really mad

New York Republicans narrowly avoided a major blowup with Donald Trump’s campaign in Cleveland Saturday after operatives for state Chairman Ed Cox initially refused to allow Newt Gingrich, a top...

NY GOP chairman blasts Cuomo for politicizing Dallas shooting

New York Republican Chairman Ed Cox is blasting Gov. Andrew Cuomo for a “disturbing moral equivalence that equates the killing of five Dallas police officers’’ with the unrelated deaths of...

Cuomo closely tied to operative indicted for bribery: report

Gov. Cuomo has been far closer for far longer to now-indicted Buffalo-area Democratic power broker Steve Pigeon than the governor himself admits — or that many in his administration realize...

Zephyr Teachout gives mixed signals on Israel position

High-profile leftist law professor and congressional candidate Zephyr Teachout, under attack by Republicans for refusing to take a stand on the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, has just decided...

Consensus says Heastie and Flanagan are weak leaders

"Weak and weaker." That’s how one of the state’s best-known and most experienced lobbyists summed up the first full legislative cycle presided over by freshmen Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and...

Investors are pulling out of the Buffalo Billion project amid corruption probe

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s multibillion-dollar upstate economic development plans, including the massive Buffalo Billion project, may be derailed by growing nervousness from IBM and other companies over the continuing corruption probes....

Probed lobbyist was a member of Cuomo’s 'inner circle'

Gov. Cuomo’s renewed effort to distance himself from lobbyist and longtime associate Todd Howe flies in the face of Howe’s continuous role as a member of Cuomo’s “inner circle,” a...

Bharara to Cuomo investigator: Stay away from Buffalo Billion

US Attorney Preet Bharara has warned Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s “independent’’ investigator not to interfere with the federal corruption probe involving the Buffalo Billion project, related state contracts and two longtime...

Cuomo is taking control of New York's Democratic Party

Gov. Cuomo, hobbled by US Attorney Preet Bharara’s probe of longtime political operative Joseph Percoco, will take personal control of the state Democratic Party on Monday — even as he...

Cuomo's team on 'lockdown' as Preet Bharara digs deeper

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s scandal-wracked office is in “lockdown’’ with tight-lipped aides fearful that US Attorney Preet Bharara’s ongoing investigation of former top Cuomo aide Joseph Percoco and lobbyist Todd Howe...

Cuomo crony lied to potential clients -- said he had governor's OK to work

A former top Cuomo aide who is under criminal investigation for “consulting’’ with companies doing business with the state told potential clients he had the administration’s OK for the work —...