
Pushed out by pandemic, women struggle to regain footing in US job market

Katy McAvoy hoped she would have more time for her job search after her 5-year-old daughter started in-person kindergarten in mid-November after months of virtual learning due to the pandemic....

Japan's ruling party wants more women at meetings - unless they talk

TOKYO - Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party, long seen as a homogeneous redoubt of elderly men, now wants more women at its key meetings - provided they don’t do the...

Google antes up $2.6M to settle pay, job discrimination case

SAN RAMON, Calif. — Google will pay $2.6 million to more than 5,500 employees and past job applicants to resolve allegations that the internet giant discriminated against female engineers and...

In push for woke 'equity,' Biden abandons equality

President Biden's embrace of utter nonsense pushed by the "woke" continued with last week’s executive orders to “advance racial equity” and “root out systemic racism in housing and criminal justice.”...

World's richest people gained enough wealth to buy COVID vaccines for everyone

The world's 10 richest people added enough money to their fortunes last year to buy COVID-19 vaccines for every person on the planet, a new report says. British anti-poverty organization...

African health official blasts ‘terrible’ vaccine inequality

NAIROBI, Kenya — “It will be extremely terrible to see” rich countries receiving COVID-19 vaccines while African countries go without, especially as a new surge in cases begins on the...

Millions of hungry Americans turn to food banks for first time

The deadly pandemic that tore through the nation’s heartland struck just as Aaron Crawford was in a moment of crisis. He was looking for work, his wife needed surgery, then...

COVID-19 pandemic paints a picture of testing inequality as cases surge

The day after Amanda Serulneck found out she might have been exposed to COVID-19, she visited a rapid testing center in New Jersey but was turned away because they ran...

Rape, abuses in palm oil fields linked to top beauty brands

SUMATRA, Indonesia — With his hand clamped tightly over her mouth, she could not scream, the 16-year-old girl recalls – and no one was around to hear her anyway. She...

Norway prime minister says gender equality 'key factor' to pandemic recovery efforts

Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg claims gender equality between the sexes is "essential for a sustainable recovery” amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report. "The pandemic's impact on women...

COVID-19 lockdowns seriously deepen the economic divide

Vaclav Smil, 76, native of communist Czechoslovakia and former University of Manitoba professor for four decades, has written 39 books on energy, technology and demography. “Nobody,” says Bill Gates, who...

Just 59 Americans own more wealth than half the country, data shows

The 59 Americans whose fortunes have ballooned amid the coronavirus pandemic now have more wealth than half the nation's population, new data show. The poorest 50 percent of Americans, or...

25 years after UN women’s meeting, equality remains distant

UNITED NATIONS — Twenty-five years ago, the world’s nations came together to make sure that half of Earth’s population gained the rights, power and status of the other half. It...

More than half of female small business owners say men have it easier

Fifty-four percent of women-owned businesses feared they’d have to permanently shut their doors because of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research. Conducted for October’s National Women’s Small Business Month,...

Women’s issues at UN: Still ‘too low down on the agenda’

UNITED NATIONS — Addressing the UN General Assembly last week, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina noted a milestone: the 25th anniversary of the Beijing women’s conference that produced a global...

How 'college for all' only deepens inequality

Wells Fargo’s CEO recently faced outrage for a memo noting “the unfortunate ­reality is that there is a very limited pool of black talent to ­recruit from.” Rather than pseudo-righteous...

Afghan woman wins recognition, sparks Taliban opposition for equal rights campaign

HERAT/KABUL - Afghan woman Laleh Osmany has been campaigning for years for a change to the age-old custom of officially identifying people by the names of their fathers, calling for...

Atlanta Fed chief says US racial wealth gap is stuck in last century

The "pernicious and persistent" impact of long-outlawed policies like "redlining" blacks out of white neighborhoods continues to influence the ability of minority families to amass wealth, and requires a deeper...

How women combat sexist stereotypes about car knowledge

From price-checking to handling repairs themselves, women are embracing all sorts of tactics to feel more confident in their buying decisions, according to new research. The study of 2,000 women...

Ex-Pinterest COO sues company for gender discrimination, wrongful termination

One of Pinterest’s former highest-ranking executives has sued the company, claiming she was discriminated against for being a woman – and then faced retaliation and wrongful termination when she spoke...