indian ocean

Iranian drone 'attack' hit chemical tanker near India, Pentagon says

The Pentagon statement said this was the "seventh Iranian attack on commercial shipping since 2021.��

Scientist think they know cause of world’s biggest, million-year-old gravity hole

“All these [previous] studies looked at the present-day anomaly and were not concerned with how this geoid low came into existence,” the study states.

Final 'Jeopardy!' clue blasted as not 'appropriate': 'Hate this'

One avid viewer argued they "haven't really seen many [Final Jeopardys] as poorly [penned] as this one."

British return of Indian Ocean islands threatens key US Navy base

The United Kingdom is on the cusp of returning one of its last colonies to its native inhabitants, but national security experts say the move could have dire consequences for...

Out-of-control Chinese rocket falls from space, plunges into Pacific

An out-of-control piece of a Chinese rocket booster crash-landed in the Pacific Ocean Friday morning.

Debris from 'uncontrolled' 23-ton Chinese rocket falls over Indian Ocean

Debris from a massive Chinese rocket made its uncontrolled return to Earth on Saturday over the Indian Ocean, according to the U.S. Space Command.

Man-eater central: This island known for its rum is the top spot for 'horrifying' shark attacks

The podcast "Réunion: Shark Attacks in Paradise" examines Réunion Island and the bloody attacks that have turned the Indian Ocean spot into a deadly destination — with 11 fatalities and eight...

Gov official swims for 12 hours after helicopter crash near Madagascar

The Madagascan Police Minister Serge Gelle says he managed to swim a staggering 12 hours toward land after the helicopter he was in crashed into the Indian Ocean.

Millions of cannibal crabs shut down roads in Australia as they migrate towards ocean

Every year, an estimated 50 million crabs make their way to the ocean to mate.

Recently-discovered underwater volcano named for this popular franchise

A group of researchers in Australia has uncovered the remnants of an ancient underwater volcano in the Indian Ocean that resembles J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy's "Eye of Sauron." As described in "The Fellowship of...

Israeli cargo ship hit by unidentified weapon in Indian Ocean

An Israeli cargo ship was struck by an unidentified weapon Saturday in the Indian Ocean, according to reports.

Here's where the Chinese rocket remnants landed

The Chinese rocket that had been launched on April 29 and was carrying a module for China's future space station. The rocket was project to land anywhere between New York...

Shrinking sea meadows store more carbon than forests, scientists track what’s left

SAYA DE MALHA BANK, Indian Ocean - Hundreds of miles from the nearest shore, ribbon-like fronds flutter in the ocean currents sweeping across an underwater mountain plateau the size of...

Protests fill Mauritius streets as dolphin death toll climbs from oil spill

The protesters waved the country’s flag and held up signs with messages such as “You have no shame,” “I’ve seen better Cabinets at IKEA” and “Tyranny is spreading faster than...

Over a dozen dead dolphins wash ashore after oil spill

Some of the animals had bloody injuries when they were discovered Wednesday and others traveling in the pod appeared severely sick, researchers from the island nation told Reuters.

At least 14 dolphins wash up dead on Mauritius after Japanese ship's oil spill

JOHANNESBURG — At least 14 dead dolphins have washed up on the coast of the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius, where a Japanese ship ran aground last month and spilled...

Japanese ship involved in Mauritius oil spill breaks apart

A stricken Japanese oil tanker that's leaked tons of oil into the Indian Ocean off the island nation of Mauritius split apart Saturday, spreading remaining fuel into the area. The...

Sea life around Mauritius dying as Japanese ship's oil spill spreads

Mauritian volunteers fished dead eels from oily waters on Tuesday as they tried to clean up damage to the Indian Ocean island’s most pristine beaches after a Japanese bulk carrier...

Anxious Mauritians are chopping off their hair to try and stem oil spill

NAIROBI - Mauritians are making floating booms of human hair and leaves in a round-the-clock scramble to mop up oil leaking from a grounded Japanese ship onto their pristine Indian...

Mauritius races to contain oil spill, protect coastline

JOHANNESBURG — Thousands of students, environmental activists and residents of Mauritius were working around the clock Sunday, trying to reduce the damage to the Indian Ocean island from an oil...