
Even as the wealthy flee NY, progressives push to punish them more

A new city analysis shows that a huge chunk of high-income earners fled in 2020. Yet progressives refuse to hear the alarm bell: They’re pushing to “tax the rich” yet...

Poor, less white US neighborhoods get worst internet deals

The neighborhoods that offered the worst deals had lower median incomes in nine out of 10 cities in the analysis. In two-thirds of the cities where The Markup had enough...

Princeton University to cover college costs for students whose families earn less than 100K

Princeton University announced a major expansion of its financial aid policy for students from families earning less than $100,000 annually, meaning they will pay nothing for tuition, room, and board.

More than a third of working families can't afford basic needs: study

Researchers at Brandeis University's program found that 35% of American families with full-time jobs cannot afford rent, food and other basics — and the situation is even worse for...

Wealthy New Yorkers who fled in 2020 took $21B in income with them: IRS

Around 300,000 of New York City's wealthiest residents who fled during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic two years ago collectively earned $21 billion in total income in 2019.

Biden and Harris gave less to charity than others in their income bracket

When it comes to charity, President Biden and Vice President Harris came up short compared to their fellow Americans, a review of their tax returns shows.

White House releases Biden, Harris tax returns

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden's tax returns have been released by the White House.

Pilot program gives low income Los Angeles residents $1,000 per month

Residents in Los Angeles County could get a monthly $1,000 boost if they qualify for a pilot program intended to help close glaring income gaps.

Biden to propose new 'billionaire's tax' on richest Americans: report

The Biden Administration is poised to announce a new tax on the wealthy that could send Elon Musk into orbit.

Eric Adams' first budget shows a lot of promise — if he can hold off labor

Behind the swagger and flash, there is some substance behind Mayor Eric Adam’s first city budget – but can he pull off his approach to labor, Nicole Gelina wonders.

Extra cash for low-income mothers may influence baby brains

Brain measurements at age 1 showed faster activity in key brain regions in infants whose low-income families received $300-plus monthly for a year.

Facts Trump Dems’ claims on Donald's economy

It’s becoming clear that former President Donald Trump made America’s economy great again with tax cuts and responsible spending -- all for President Joe Biden to ruin it, Kevin Hassett...

Eric Adams get$ it!

Democratic mayoral nominee Eric Adams understands the importance of keeping rich New Yorkers and companies in the Big Apple -- instead of alienating them like Mayor Bill de Blasio has,...

OnlyFans stars make 270 times more than the average worker: report

The world’s oldest industry is also one of today’s better paid ones.

Majority of millennials live paycheck to paycheck: survey

Most Americans are just scraping by, with millennials generationally the worst off, a distressing new survey has found.

Analysis says Biden's tax plan will effectively cut lower- and middle-class wages

Here's something new to worry about when it comes to President Biden's tax plan: It could hit you in the paycheck. A new analysis from the Tax Policy Center shows...

County in upstate NY testing monthly $500 payment program

Places from Compton, California, to Richmond, Virginia, are trying out guaranteed income programs, which gained more attention after the pandemic idled millions of workers.

San Francisco to give artists $1,000 a month in no-strings-attached cash

More than a hundred California artists will be guaranteed $1,000 a month in no-strings-attached cash, the latest in a series of universal basic income pilot programs being rolled out across...

Democrats bid to turn screws on New York's richest

Just a year after the Empire State was clobbered by the coronavirus, New York’s Legislature confronts an embarrassment of revenue riches. State taxes have rebounded more strongly than expected from...

Land of the fee: Biden tax hike could hit people earning $200K, WH says

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday clarified that President Biden's proposed tax hike would apply to people who earn $200,000 per year if they are married to someone...