income inequality

How the super-rich bypass the rest of us to get special treatment

Getting to the airport can be a hassle for anybody, from highway gridlock to the long security lines. But thanks to Manhattan-based helicopter service Blade, you can travel from the...

Number of billionaires has doubled in last decade

The number of billionaires has doubled in the past decade and the world’s wealthiest 2,153 people controlled more money than the poorest 4.6 billion combined last year, the charity Oxfam...

Americans say income inequality is a bigger problem than illegal immigration

Here’s one theory why Bernie Sanders is leading in the polls in New Hampshire. It may also explain why billionaire bond investor Jeffrey Gundlach, who is no socialist, said this...

It is nearly impossible for the average earner to live comfortably in the US

There’s not a lot of Aloha spirit in a 91-hour workweek. But, according to this map from cost-estimating website, that’s exactly what it takes to live comfortably in Hawaii...

Hundreds of airline workers arrested while protesting for better pay

Hundreds of airline catering workers were arrested on Tuesday after protesting for better wages and benefits at more than a dozen airports across the country. The workers, from the union...

It’s getting harder and harder to crack into the 1 percent

When hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio asked a crowded ballroom at a Milken Institute conference earlier this year whether they agreed that the current economic system needs to be renovated, most...

White workers more likely to have a good job than black, Latino Americans

White workers have benefited from “historical and systemic educational and economic advantages” that have enabled them to carve out a “disproportionate edge” in the workplace that lasts for decades, according...

Top female US track stars fight to remove pregnancy sponsorship penalty

For decades, the message to women in track and field was crystal clear: get pregnant, lose sponsorship money. A rebellion led by some of the sport’s top runners, including Allyson...

US inequality gap grew larger between 2017 and 2018

ORLANDO, Fla. — The gap between the haves and have-nots in the United States grew last year to its highest level in more than 50 years of tracking income inequality,...

Forty-five percent of workers do this to boost their salary

An increasing number of workers are devoting time to salary research, a new survey shows, but just half feel they’re paid enough.

CEOs are paid 278 times more than average US worker

CEO pay has increased 1,008 percent between 1978 and 2018, while typical worker pay has edged up 12 percent, according to an analysis from the Economic Policy Institute.

Record US economic expansion only benefitting the ultra wealthy

“The rich have gotten richer and they’ve gotten richer faster,” said John Mathews, Head of Private Wealth Management and Ultra High Net Worth at UBS (UBSG.S) Global Wealth Management.

Why the wealth gap has widened despite record economic growth

WASHINGTON — As it enters its 11th year, America’s economic expansion is now the longest on record — a streak that has shrunk unemployment, swelled household wealth, revived the housing...

Rise of mental illness worldwide tied to austerity, inequality

Austerity, income inequality and job insecurity are leading to a global rise in mental illness, according to a new United Nations report. Dr. Dainius Pūras, the U.N.’s special rapporteur on...

How climate change affects violent crime

Researchers found that days with a high of more than 85 degrees spurred a 2.2 percent rise in general crime and a 5.7 percent increase in violent crime, on average.

Gender pay gap is wider among those with a bachelor’s degree

A college degree can provide many benefits, but an equal playing field apparently isn’t one of them. Women with a bachelor’s degree earn 74 cents for every dollar their male...

Even community colleges are too expensive for low-income students

Lyric Young’s financial experience in community college was luckier than most. Yet she is now struggling to afford to continue her education at a public four-year college. Young, who lives...

CEOs got $800,000 pay raise, leaving workers further behind

NEW YORK — Did you get a 7% raise last year? Congratulations, yours was in line with what CEOs at the biggest companies got. But for chief executives, that 7%...

Pay gap between black, white college graduates has grown

Members of the college class of 2019 are starting out on some of the best economic footing in recent memory, but that fortune isn’t spread equally. The gulf in wages...

Salary transparency helps close the pay gap but there's a catch

Are you being underpaid? Sharing pay data is probably the easiest way to ensure every employee gets the same pay for the same job. But new research suggests that employers...