Hurricane Dorian

National Archives was 'pissed off' trying to track down Trump's letters with Kim Jong-un, Obama and his hurricane map

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) “most often asked about” Donald Trump's doctored map of Hurricane Dorian while seeking presidential records from the ex-commander in chief after he left...

Trump's Hurricane Dorian tweets caused fury among federal employees

President Trump’s tweeted warning that Alabama could be hit by Hurricane Dorian last September — and the six days he and the White House spent defending that message — sparked...

Damaged caused by Hurricane Dorian totals $3.4B in the Bahamas

That’s equivalent to the United States losing the combined economies of Florida, California and Texas, the Miami Herald reported.

Cows swept away during Hurricane Dorian found alive on tiny island

Three North Carolina cows swept out to sea when Hurricane Dorian sparked an 8-foot “mini tsunami” turned up months later -- and it’s believed they swam four to five miles...

'Miracle' dog found alive in debris a month after Hurricane Dorian hit Bahamas

A "miracle dog" has been found alive in the rubble in the Bahamas -- one month after Hurricane Dorian slammed into the islands and trapped the pooch, according to news reports....

Bahamas hit with mental health concerns in aftermath of Dorian

HIGH ROCK, Bahamas — One woman and her husband huddled on top of a bedroom dresser for two days, surrounded by floodwaters. Another man sat in his wheelchair for nearly...

Volunteer chopper pilot finds dozens living in Bahamas debris

An American volunteer chopper pilot taking part in rescue efforts in the hurricane-ravaged Bahamas made a startling discovery -- as many as 40 survivors still alive in the debris. Justin...

Dorian relief suspended in Bahamas to prepare for Tropical Storm Humberto

Although much weaker than the Category 5 hurricane that devastated Grand Bahama and Abaco islands, Humberto on Saturday followed a similar path for several hours early in the day and...

A new storm could threaten hurricane-ravaged Bahamas

It's not going to get better in the Bahamas. Another storm is threatening the hurricane-ravaged archipelago, and will bring up to 8 inches of new rainfall in areas where rescue...

Tentative list of the missing in Bahamas has 2,500 names

FREEPORT, Bahamas — The Bahamas government said Wednesday there are 2,500 people on its list of those missing after Hurricane Dorian. But the names have yet to be checked against...

How to help the Bahamas recover: Go on vacation

Hurricane Dorian all but leveled the northern Bahamas -- which is why they so badly need tourism dollars in the lower islands that managed to avoid devastation. Roughly 60% of...

Thousands homeless, 50 dead in Bahamas as Dorian recovery continues

As many as 10,000 Bahamians from the Abaco Islands remain homeless, one week after Hurricane Dorian ravaged the islands and left at least 50 residents dead — with many more...

See it: Tornado lifts house off foundation in North Carolina

Shocking video footage taken during a tornado caused by Hurricane Dorian shows the twister lift a small house off of its foundation in North Carolina. The tornado struck the beach...

Despite wacky ideas, no hurricane solutions on the horizon

Hurricane Dorian has come, gone and created a lot of damage to property and to the economy. And nobody will miss Dorian except the TV news shows that managed to...

Dems see it as ‘Biden or bust’ and other commentary

2020 watch: Dems See It as ‘Biden or Bust’ One difference between Donald Trump’s “exaggerations and narcissisms” and Joe Biden’s “daily bloopers, signs of debility or embarrassments,” notes Victor Davis...

Hundreds of evacuees from Bahamas booted off Florida-bound ferry

Hundreds of Bahamians attempting to flee the Hurricane Dorian-ravaged islands were booted off a ferry bound for the US if they did not have a visa to enter, a report...

Hurricane Dorian's final gasp blows by Canada

Dorian’s heavy rains and 90-mph winds made one last slap at Canada on Sunday before the storm headed out to sea, where it’s finally expected to fizzle out by Tuesday....

Hurricane Dorian winds wreck massive crane in Canada: video

Jaw-dropping cellphone video shows the moment a massive construction crane was toppled in Canada by winds from Hurricane Dorian. The crane, which is sitting on top of a building in...

Hurricane Dorian death toll could reach thousands

Dorian ravaged Abaco and Grand Bahamas islands when it stalled over the Caribbean islands as a Category 5 storm for two days.

Coast Guard continues rescues as Bahamas struggle to rebound after Dorian

The US Coast Guard has rescued 295 people in the Bahamas since Hurricane Dorian started pounding the islands. Seven Jayhawk helicopters and five MH-65 dolphin helicopters are on continued search...